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Updated by dickrell on Jun 05, 2018
Headline for Helpful Tips for sling angle related to rigging
dickrell dickrell
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Helpful Tips for sling angle related to rigging

Rigging on the job
Learn some basic rigging safety rules
Observe hand signals
Learn how does sling angle relates to load multiplier


Rigging Hardware

Rigging Hardware

Hand Signals

Hand Signals



Basics of rigging safety | 2014-10-27 | Safety+Health Magazine

Rigging – when workers prepare equipment to be lifted by cranes, hoists or other material-handling machinery – is a common work process on shipyard and construction sites, among others. Performing rigging operations safely is critical. According to OSHA, rigging workers have been injured or killed when loads have slipped or the rigging has failed. OSHA notes that riggers must be: Properly trained on the hazards associated with rigging jobs Qualified and able to comply with all procedures Aware of where the crane is operating (surface . . .

Shop Safety - Rigging and Lifting

This information sheet introduces the machine shop student to the basic, acceptable lifting and rigging techniques.
It explains the equipment and operations necessary for safe rigging and lifting. This document is not intended to show the student how to perform rigging and lifting, but to help
him/her recognize safe and unsafe rigging and lifting practices.