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Updated by henry-bearman on Jul 13, 2018
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The 9 Best Websites For Self-Improvement

Here are some of the best websites for self-improvement. These sites cover a diverse range of topics; learning hacks, fitness tips, career advice, and so on. Check them out and become a better you!


Brain Pickings

Brain Pickings

This site is easily one of the most enjoyable ways to expand your mind. Run by Maria Popova, this site's stated purpose is to provide "an inventory of the meaningful life". At first glance, this site appears to be made up of book reviews. But it is so much more than that. Maria chooses books you probably haven't come across before, and discusses them in a much wider context, citing philosophers, writers, artists, and psychologists.

Check it out:


Natural Nootropic

This site trawls the internet for supplements claiming to give you some added brain power and puts them to the torch. These guys aren't your usual shills for scammy focus pills or shady Ritalin merchants. They focus on natural cognitive enhancers and see if their formulas are truly backed by science. If you're looking for supplements to help with your mental performance, be it at work, on the playing field, or in competition, this is a good place to start.

Check it out:


Tiny Buddha

Simple wisdom for complex lives. That's how this site sees its purpose, and it serves it extremely well. This site publishes articles on everything from dealing with your emotions during times of crisis to help building healthy eating habits. Their career advice section is particularly good. Everyone can benefit from leafing through some of their blog posts, even if you don't subscribe to their very 'zen' mentality.

Check it out:




This one is probably already well known to most of you, but it is worth putting it on here because it is just so damn useful! Lifehacker publishes multiple times per day, and each article helps you get a little bit more out of your day. From tips on getting through your work faster to finding time for exercise, this site has it all.

Check it out:



This one doesn't feature often enough in these kinds of lists, but it really should. If you want to get in better shape (who doesn't?) but you're often put off by the excessive workout routines printed in today's fitness magazines, then Fitmole is probably a great resource for you. Run by a very humble guy called Keith, Fitmole has a singular purpose: "To make fitness simple as sh*t. That means no restrictive diets, relying on supplements, 2 hour long workouts, and complex formulas." Sounds good, right?

Check it out:


The 4-Hour Body

Tim Ferris has achieved something of a cult following among people who value productivity, minimalism, and success. He hasn't come by this adoration by accident; he has earned it by producing some of the best resources in existence on getting in shape, generating more income, and improving your quality of life. He takes a "work smarter" approach to things; he is obsessive about finding what works and what doesn't, and applying only those things that bring maximum returns. He has applied this to many aspects of his life, and fitness is one that truly benefits.

If you struggle to find time to exercise, then visit The 4-Hour Body and see if any of the principles Tim applies can help you achieve the body you want.

Check it out:


Asian Efficiency

Asian Efficiency

As the name suggests, this blog is all about getting more productive. Writers Aaron Lynn and Thanh Pam aim to help you both get more done in the time that you have, and to expand the amount of time that you have free to do genuinely productive things. For some people, it isn't always about cramming more into an hour - it's more about getting back the hours you waste to television, your Xbox, or just staring into space. Some recent articles include "How To Prioritize Your To-Do List", "7 Email Hacks That Will Save You An Hour a Day", and my personal favorite, "5 Reasons Why Habits Don’t Work (And Why You Need Rituals Instead)".

They have a podcast too which is well worth a listen. They regularly feature big names from behavioral psychology and business.

Check it out:


The Emotion Machine

I doubt many of you have heard of this one before, despite the fact that it possibly gets as much traffic as the other sites, if not a great deal more. The Emotion Machine is a psychology blog. But it isn't about abstract psychological theories or dry, clinical findings. It is about you, your life, and how you cope with it. It is about helping you understand why you feel the way you do, and offers some help in perhaps feeling a little better.

Some interesting articles published recently include a discussion about where social anxiety comes from, a look at why we run away from our fears from a neurobiological perspective, and a look at some habits of respectful people. This isn't a cut-throat "how to get rich" site or a fitness blog. It's much more than that.

Check it out:


Chris Guillebeau

This guy is one of those people that really makes you re-think the direction your life is taking, and I mean that in the best possible way. Author of two very popular self-help books, Chris Guillebeau tries to help people optimize several different aspects of their life. He is a travel hacker; he finds ways of taking extraordinary trips - in style - for a fraction of the price it might cost you or I. He is also a 'start-up hacker'; his book The $100 Start-Up outlines how you can become self-employed with very little cash investment.

No matter why you check out his content, be it for the business advice or the travel hacks, this blog is definitely going to at least give you some good ideas to take forward with you. His stories alone are worth reading purely for the fact that they make you want to get up and work harder!

Check it out: