Besides cleaning out our homes, yard waste builds up over time. Learn more about clearing up and cleaning out your yard and how to make it look great again.
Clear an overgrown backyard using mulches or with herbicides like glyphosate, triclopyr or fluazifop. Wear protective clothing to apply the herbicide and allow several weeks for it to take effect.
If you follow along on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram you’ve probably seen that the last two weekends have been all about the backyard over here. Here’s a little backstory for ya:
Autumn means football games and visits to the local pumpkin patch. It also means it’s time to get your yard ready for winter. The right preparation now will save you time and energy when spring rolls around, and will keep you and your family safe in the yard year-round. Make sure you get the most out of your yard next year by following our checklist of fall cleanup musts.