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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
Headline for List of Most to Least Healthy Veggies to Eat - Information to Help You Live a Healthier Life
Joanna James Joanna James
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List of Most to Least Healthy Veggies to Eat - Information to Help You Live a Healthier Life

Everyone knows the importance of including vegetables in the diet. There are of course certain types of vegetables that are more nutritious than the others. The article below ranks a few vegetables in the order of their nutrition. The vitamins, minerals and fibre included in a modest serving were taken into consideration when giving each vegetable a score.



Broccoli is yet another favourite that is ranked quite high in this list as it is a very rich source of all of the nutrients found in Broccoli Rabe. There are plenty of creative ways that you can tempt your family to eat this super veggie. You can sprinkle Broccoli florets on your pasta dishes, combine it with soup or simply steam it and enjoy!



Kale takes the lead in this list with its very high levels of Vitamin K, lutein and Vitamin C so it certainly is a vegetable that you must consider adding to your diet. Vitamin K is known to play a significant role in helping blood clot which will prevent excessive and uncontrolled bleeding. Lutein is also great for your eyes as it helps to reduce the risk of light induced oxidative damage which could cause macular degeneration.



Spinach follows Kale in our list with its high amounts of Vitamin K, lutein, Vitamin C, potassium and even fibre!



The bright orange veggie that is loved by all is third in this list. It adds plenty of lutein, Vitamin K and fibre to your diet.


Broccoli Rabe

Add Broccoli Rabe to your rigatoni and pasta dishes to enjoy high doses of Vitamin C, Vitamin K, lutein and protein.



These little green beauties which are quite easy to cook are packed with iron and folate so they are ranked after broccoli in this list.



Gorgeous red tomatoes offer you lots of great nutrients such as Vitamin A and C so you must certainly consider helping yourself to some on a regular basis!



Okra is one of the most popular Sri Lankan vegetables that is grown in wet, intermediate and dry zones of the island as well as in many other parts of the world. It's a great source of Vitamin K and can be used to make delicious curries. At places like Keells Super in Sri Lanka, you will be able to buy fresh okra straight from the plantations.


Green beans

This is yet another favourite that you must consider adding to your diet as it has a number of nutrients like lutein, fibre, Vitamin K and Vitamin C.



It's strange to see a vegetable that many hail as highly nutritious ranking this low. However if you are a fan of this delicious veggie, don't be disheartened as it is still a super food that contains quite a lot of folate, fibre, Vitamin C and Vitamin K.


Egg plant

Although these purple beauties don't offer you a lot of nutrients, they are still divinely delicious. Egg plant is a great source of fibre so you can continue substituting it for meat or having it baked or fried to your liking and still enjoy great health benefits!



Onions are the least nutritious vegetables that you can have according to this list. This does not mean they are bad for you! Onions are very low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium and gives you quite a lot of potassium, dietary fibre and even Vitamin C. So use it all you want when you are preparing your dishes and savour the tangy flavour that it richly gives to your meals.