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Updated by asbahindia on May 26, 2018
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Give Healthy Treat to your Family with Asbah Healthy Rice

Do you know a plate of healthy rice is a good source of energy for all those who don’t want to eat supplements for carbs? Get the best quality healthy rice from the renowned brand Asbah.


Why Nutritious Rice is Best For You

Why Nutritious Rice is Best For You

Are you looking for the nutritious rice brand but unable to find a best brand? If it is so then Asbah can fulfill your health needs with added Nutrients, great aroma & taste.


Buying Healthy Rice is the Easiest thing

Buying healthy rice is easiest thing if you know which brand offers the best. Asbah is a leader which is also involved in various health improvements related programs.


Characteristics of Fortified Rice

The Fortified Rice helps a person in completing the absence of nutritional values. The highly acclaimed brand Asbah is at the front of the rice fortification program which is a big initiative by any brand.


Amazing Fact About Extra Long Grain Basmati Rice

Do you know due to the presence of fiber properties rice helps in fighting the against the colon cancer? The Extra Long Grain Basmati Rice Brands like Asbah has acquired a great name and fame in this domain.