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Updated by novivofus on May 10, 2018
novivofus novivofus
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persian carton aryan

The Arian Carton Packing Industries was established in 2007, after the establishment of the factory in the industrial city of Mamunyeh in the Tehran-Saveh industrial park, was equipped with advanced machines. The two-line printing and two printing lines of the Persian-Kartan Arian Company were launched in 2008. Today, almost a decade after the construction of this The company, Persian-Kartan Aryan, is the parent company in the country's packaging industry serving the national industries and production.

پرشين كارتن آريان | تولید کننده کارتن | تولیدکننده کاغذ | چاپ رو کارتن

شركت پرشين كارتن آريان به عنوان كارخانه مادر توليد كاغذ فلوتينگ, كاغذ لاينر, كاغذ تست لاينر, ورق با تنوع عرض هاي بالا و پايين, كارتن هاي معمولي و دايكاتي با تنوع چاپ معمولي و سوپر ويژه در حال خدمات رساني به بخش توليد ملي كشور است.