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Updated by The Healthy Trucker on Mar 17, 2025
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Best Smartphone Apps for Truck Drivers

The best smartphone apps for truck drivers ranging from weight loss, to trip planning, to recreation.

Truckster - Truck Stops

Price: $2.99
Available on: iOS & Android
Truxster contains information on truck stops, rest areas, and Walmart locations throughout the country. Search for truck stops close to you that offer your desired amenities, find the cheapest diesel prices, locate weigh stations, and view nearby Walmart stores. Truck Stops is the perfect all-in-one app for OTR truck drivers.

Allstays Truck Stops & Travel Plazas

Price: $9.99
Available on: iOS & Android

Allstays' Truck Stops and Travel Plazas app lists the truck stops in the closest proximity to your current location. It provides information on weigh stations, CAT scales, truck washes, area Walmarts, parking lot size, food options, showers, and more. Advanced filters help you search for truck stops with the specific amenities you’re looking for. Everything you need is at your fingertips with Allstays Truck Stops and Travel Plazas’ app.

BigRoad: Free Trucker Log App

Price: Free
Available on: Android
BigRoad is an app for Android devices that allows truckers to keep track of their daily driver logs. Find truck stops, weigh scales, and traffic directions, and send documents and photos to your company straight from your phone! Push button technology makes it super simple to keep track of when you're on duty, off duty, and driving.


Price: Free
Available on: iOS & Android
Transflo Now is a scanning app that speeds up document delivery. Take photos of your delivery documents, submit them to your fleet, and take off on your next load! Transflo’s same-day access allows fleets and drivers to get paid faster. To register, drivers need an ID, provided by your fleet.


Price: Free
Available on: iOS & Android
GasBuddy helps you find the cheapest fuel prices in your area. Regular, midgrade, premium, and diesel fuel prices are available. Find the cheapest prices in your current location, or search for a particular city or zip code.

Waze Social GPS, Traffic & Gas

Price: Free
Available on: iOS & Android
Avoid those pesky paycheck-ruining traffic jams with Waze, a community-based traffic and navigation app. View real-time traffic and road alerts, get voice-guided GPS navigation, and find the cheapest fuel locations! Waze is hands-free and voice-operated, making it perfect for truck drivers. Waze learns your frequent destinations, commuting hours, and preferred routes, and will even re-route you if traffic conditions worsen!

The Weather Channel

Price: Free
Available on: iOS & Android
The Weather Channel app provides you with weather conditions, pollen alerts, and warnings for any city/zip code. Check the weather in the areas you'll be traveling through before heading out. Save up to ten favorite locations, view radar maps, and view hour-by-hour weather forecasts! Make informed decisions on whether to continue on your journey, or stop for the night and ride out that snowstorm with The Weather Channel app.


Price: $1.99
Available on: iOS & Android
Looking for a workout you can do on the road with minimal equipment? Try starting a running routine! I know what you're thinking -- "I never run, I can't just get up and start jogging every day!" But with the Couch-to-5K app, it's possible. This app coaches you through a 9-week program to prepare you to run a 5K. In 20-30 minutes, 3 times a week, you can go from couch potato to runner extraordinaire.

MyFitnessPal - Calorie Counter & Diet Tracker

Price: Free
Available on: iOS & Android
MyFitnessPal allows you to track your calorie intake and workout routines. The large food database of over 2,000,000 foods makes it easy to watch and document what you eat. MyFitnessPal has over 250 exercises and lets you track cardio and strength training in order to create the perfect weight loss regimen for you. Being healthy on the road can be hard, but the MyFitnessPal app is the perfect tool to keep track of your daily intake and calories burned.

Fast Food Calorie Counter

Price: $.99
Available on: iOS & Android
Forced to eat truck stop fast food when you’re trying to keep an eye on your waistline? The Fast Food Calorie Counter has nutritional information for 73 popular restaurants and 9,141 menu items. Nutritional information includes calories, fat, carbs, fiber, and protein. Make an informed decision on what meals are best for you at various fast food establishments. You may be forced to stop for fast food, but at least you can still pick a healthy option with the Fast Food Calorie Counter!

Relax Melodies

Price: Free ($2.99 for Premium)
Available on: iOS & Android
Calm your mind and fall asleep faster with white noise app Relax Melodies! Noisy reefer just parked next to you? Drown it out with the sound of ocean waves, thunderstorms, and more. Relax Melodies comes with a timer system that you can set to turn off after x amount of time. Relax Melodies also comes with multiple alarms so you can have your favorite soothing sounds wake you up in the morning. 46 ambient sounds included in the free version.

Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock

Price: $.99
Available on: iOS
Wake up naturally with the Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock! Traditional alarms jolt you awake, often when you're in the middle of deep sleep. This leads to fatigue throughout the day. The Sleep Cycle alarm clock analyzes your sleep cycle and wakes you up during your lightest sleep phase, ensuring you begin your day well-rested and relaxed – and we all know how important it is for truck drivers to be well-rested! Set the alarm within a 30-minute window of when you’d like to wake up, and the app will gently wake you during your lightest sleep cycle. Personal Finance

Price: Free
Available on: iOS & Android
Mint Personal Finance allows you to track, budget, and manage your money. View all of your financial accounts in one place, add manual transactions, track your budget and cash spending, and view upcoming bills. Emails and text alerts notify you of upcoming bills, fees, and low balances, making this a great app for the on-the-go truck driver.

Budget Envelopes

Price: Free
Available on: iOS
Budget Envelopes is an easy-to-use app that allows you to budget your finances. Create envelopes for various budget categories and allocate funds to each. Budget Envelopes also allows you to add and schedule recurring transactions, create different income categories, and view charts and reports of expenses and income.

Audible - Audiobooks and More

Price: Free
Available on: iOS & Android
Audiobook app Audible is perfect for truck drivers who want to enjoy a good book, but can’t necessarily pick one up! Download from a range of 100,000+ titles from best sellers to classics, comedies, news, and everything in between, and listen intently while you’re delivering a load. Stopped for the night? Audible features an option to switch back and forth between reading and listening with Whispersync for Voice.


Price: Free
Available on: iOS & Android
Listen to your favorite radio stations while you're delivering a load with iHeartRadio! Choose from one of more than 1,500+ live radio stations or create your own personalized, custom station based on your favorite songs and artists.




Price: Free
Available on: iOS & Android
Don’t have a laptop with you in your cab? No worries - video chat with your friends and family back home with the Skype app for iOS and Android! Skype works on Wifi and 3G, though operator charges may apply. Skype is a great option for truck drivers that want to actually SEE their family while catching up with them.