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Updated by ClassroomAid on Apr 18, 2019
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Recommended reading for xAPI and LA

Recommended reading for xAPI or LA

Mapping Learning Into the Experience API

The EES process helps instructional designers record learning-related data for the xAPI.

xAPI and Analytics: Measuring Your Way to Success | LS

The Experience API (xAPI) and analytics complement each other nicely. You can use the xAPI to track any type of user/system interaction and then use analytics tools to compile and interpret xAPI data. The interactions you track may result from learning systems and programs or from actual work systems and processes.

Benefits of xAPI Profiles Extend Across Development Teams | LS

(Note from the editor: This article assumes advanced familiarity with xAPI. Beginners may find that additional study and use of reference material will be helpful to understanding.)

eLearning Authoring: Taking the Next Step with xAPI | LS

Authoring tools enable instructional designers (ISDs) without programming skills to create eLearning products. ISDs use these tools to create and sequence pages, enter content, add media and interactivity, and assemble courses.

The Role of a Reference Synthetic Data Generator within the Field of Learning Analytics.
Berg, A. M., Mol, S. T., Kismihók, G., & Sclater, N. (2016). The role of a reference synthetic data generator within the field of learning analytics. Journal of Learning Analytics, 3, 107–128.

IEEE Technical Reports — TAGxAPI

This document is a guide to the technical implementation of the Experience API, commonly abbreviated as xAPI. xAPI is an application programming interface which allows software applications to exchange data regarding human activity. Designed for the domain of learning, xAPI enables the capture of data about human performance and its context.

VR/AR + xAPI: Tracking Next-Gen Learning [Webinar] - DZone IoT

See how AR and VR are enhancing learning around the world, how xAPI helps developers, and what it takes to bring AR/VR solutions to business problems.

Benefits of xAPI Profiles Extend Across Development Teams | Learning Solutions Magazine

(Note from the editor: This article assumes advanced familiarity with xAPI. Beginners may find that additional study and use of reference material will be helpful to understanding.)

Learning Solutions Conf 2019 - Session 302 - xAPI for Instructional Designers

Learning Solutions Conf 2019 - Session 302 - xAPI for Instructional Designers - Expanded deck to include both ID Models and learning ecosystem slides

xAPI and the Interoperable Ecosystem: Are You Dreaming? Open Learning Specification News Roundup | MoodleNews

Imagine a world where every learning counted. Every new fact you now know, every concept you now grasp, every rule you now follow. A device attached to you keeps track of all this. It feeds a personal system, a detailed history of your learning throughout your life. Meanwhile, you build a better understanding of what it is that you want to know more about. Which skills you are most keen to master. As you build clearer learning goals, the system sorts your history by “Competencies.” It has a way to link every learning action you have taken to the Competencies it helps. A link either based on a certain, preset theory; or on a statistical model that adapts and improves over time. The results of your performance and assessments also feed the file. As a result, you know the best actions for your learning goals at each time.

xAPI Tools Update: Spring 2019 | Learning Solutions Magazine

In preparation for the xAPI activities at Learning Solutions Conference and Expo 2019, this article is an update to the July 2018 Learning Solutions "xAPI: Out of the Box" report on authoring tools that support the implementation of the xAPI

Building This Missing xAPI Layer Will Make You Rich If You Figure Out How | MoodleNews

If the mountain (of LMS Data) will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet will develop an anonymized, xAPI-compliant LMS Data generation service.

Modernizing Learning: Building the Future Learning Ecosystem | U.S. Government Bookstore

Modernizing Learning: Building the Future Learning Ecosystem is an implementation blueprint for connecting learning experiences across time and space. This co-created plan represents an advancement of how and where learning will occur in the future. Extensive learning and technological research has been conducted across the myriad disciplines and communities needed to develop this holistic maturation of the learning continuum. These advancements have created the opportunity for formal and informal learning experiences to be accessible anywhere, anytime, and to be personalized to individual needs. However, for full implementation and maximal benefits for learners of all ages and within all communities to be achieved, it is necessary to centralize and coordinate the required connections across technology, learning science, and the greater supporting structures. Accordingly, the ADL Initiative has taken the lead in this coordination process, connecting Government, Military, Academia, Industry, and K-12 teachers, instructors, technologists, researchers, and implementers to create and execute a coordinated transition process. Input was included from stakeholders, communities, and supporting entities which will be involved in this advancement of the life-long learning ecosystem. Year/Pages: 2019/414.