Yangrou Paomo, meaning flatbread in mutton soup, is the one dish that all locals would certify represents the true spirit of Xi'an. It is a heavenly dish that is a treat to both the taste buds and the olfactory senses, a rich mutton broth with shredded flatbread. The dish can be quite spicy, as is the case with many of the local dishes. However, no place, not even the most high end Xian Restaurant will serve it the way it is eaten. To eat this dish the right way, you have some work to do. You will first be served two pieces of flatbread, called "mo". Your job is to shred them into small pieces, ideally pieces the size of soybeans. This is the time locals usually gossip and share stories from their day, while the hands are kept busy shredding. The shredded mo is then returned to the kitchen in your bows, where it is cooked in a mutton broth and rice vermicelli. This flavoursome concoction is then returned to you with slices of beef or lamb and a touch of pickled sweet garlic.