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Updated by promesacare on Nov 18, 2019
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Promesa Home Care, Inc.

Our growth as a company is the result of years of professional practice and the unending dedication to your health. Promesa Home Care, Inc. will not be where it is right now without considering the people behind each home care plan that is developed, every care technique administered, and every caring hand that has made the lives of our clients better despite illness or disability. These are the people at Promesa Home Care, Inc. – treasured for their dedication and valued for their competence.

How to Manage Your Diabetes

Diabetes is a condition that can either have a minimal or a major impact on your life. This all depends on how you manage it. There are many different ways to keep your diabetes under control. Here are a few effective tips to keep in mind when it comes to controlling your diabetes:

Getting Back on Your Feet: Rehabilitation Services

We offer personalized rehabilitation services that can help you get your life back on track. Going through a major surgical operation, becoming disabled, or recovering from a severe illness may leave you in a weakened state where even the most basic things can feel impossible. Promesa Home Care, Inc. is an exceptional provider of medical home care in Riverside, California that can get you back on your feet, even literally. Here are a few ways how:

The Benefits a Nutritional Diet

When it comes down to maintaining a healthy and independent lifestyle, there are many things that you will want to consider and one of them is your diet. The reason for this is because food has a dramatic impact on every part of our health, from our appearance to our immune systems. For this reason, it is absolutely critical to have a balanced and nutritional diet.

Why Should You Have a Hobby at an Advanced Age?

A hobby might not seem like an important thing to have and for some, it can even feel like a waste of time.

Tips for Maintaining Your Youth

No one wants to get old and even though this is a natural process we cannot stop, it is possible to slow it down.

3 Important Things to Remember When Managing Wounds of Seniors

As your seniors age, their bodies may turn weak and fragile with the higher likelihood of developing wounds in certain areas.

Personal Care for Seniors: Places You Shouldn’t Miss

When it comes to personal care and hygiene for seniors, there are many “no-brainer” body places that you, the caregiver, should make sure are always clean.

How Can Exercise Improve Your Lifestyle?

We all know how important exercise is and how it can help us improve various aspects of our health but how can it improve our lifestyle?

Finding the Motivation to Exercise

Whether you are exercising at home or relying on a medical home care in Riverside, California to help you get back on your feet.

Encourage Movement For Seniors In Their Advanced Ages

Movement in any form can help us all stay healthy and have enough energy. This is even more important for people over the age of 65.The risk of getting illnesses rises when there are poor nutrition and poor blood circulation in our bodies. That is why any kind of movement is important since it increases the heart rate to pump more blood to boost blood distribution to the different organs in our bodies.

Bring Back Your Confidence In Everyday Movement

Through occupational therapy, we can show your senior loved ones how they can correctly move to reduce joint pains and improve their overall joint functions. Our programs are designed to educate seniors on the body and joint awareness and what they can safely perform for their ages. Here are some of the ways our therapy services can assist you with:

The Benefits of Social Media for Seniors

Due to the challenges of aging, seniors who prefer staying at home while receiving services from Home Health Aides in California may find their social opportunities hindered. However, the rise of digital technology is making ways to break the barriers of social interaction. There is already a large number of older adults who benefit from advances in technology, especially the famous social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.

Regain Your Independence Through Physical Therapy

If you’ve been in a serious injury that confined you to bed for quite some time, it would take you a while to adjust and regain your capability to take care of yourself. You won’t have to stay dependent on other people’s care, of course.

Home care specialists like Promesa Home Care Inc. can help you in bouncing back from a debilitating accident. With the help of skilled Home Health Aides in California who are skilled at rehabilitation therapy, you’d be up and running in no time, as soon as your doctor certifies you fit for rehabilitative exercises.