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Updated by Courtney Livingston on Jan 27, 2015
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Twitter Tools

A list of all the tools I've come across that help you navigate Twitter. I'm working on filling in more specific info on each tool based on my experiences.
TweetChat is a very popular tool used by participants of Twitter Chat Sessions. It provides auto-hashtagging and tweet and flow management of your twitter chat session.


Twitter Chat Transcript Services. We monitor, track, and create transcripts for your Twitter Hashtag. Get analytics, reports, alerts and ...

Helps you build meaningful, personal relationships through social media while focusing on your highest-value relationships (influencers, supporters, most engaged members,promising new leads...).

Also shows you who you interacted with based on hashtags and chats you participated in and recommends people to engage with/follow.


Pulls profiles of your followers and allows you to index additional web assets of those followers and perform open-text, multi-point searches against those profiles, allowing for targeted communication and engagement.


SocialBro - Tool to manage and analyze your Twitter Community


Graphin' Your Stats


Search for links on twitter. Great way to see who is posting your content.

Peek Analytics

Connect twitter accounts with their other social media accounts across the web


Twitter Hashtag Tracking and Analytics. Get reports on hashtag activity, including tweets, Impressions & Reach and Top 20 Lists. There are also advanced features like Drill-down Content Analysis, Detailed Contributor Lists options for getting Full Transcripts.

It's my go-to tool for measuring anything having to do with a hashtag.




Twitter tool for managing your followers and targeting messages. Provides detailed profiles on followers, ability to perform an advanced search, group followers into lists, share targeted direct messages through the lists and view analytics.




See: Real-time social media search & visual discovery. Saw: Discover, collect and share the things you saw with others.


Social analytics tool that builds profiles according to twitter timelines, helping twitter users connect and others understand its world


Discover relevant users to follow and find out who and what people are talking about.

Follower Wonk

Explore your followers, follows and lists. Spreadsheet-like sorting on any column: by name, followers, days on Twitter. A great way to find your most important followers. Overlay social graph of other accounts to find overlaps.


Twit Rank

Twit Rank

Top Followers

Just Tweet It

Just Tweet It is a user directory for Twitter organized by genre to help users easily find other Twitter users to connect with.




How it works? 1. Add your tweets to Timely. 2. We published them when they'll have the highest impact. 3. You get more retweets, mentions and followers!


Tool used to unfollow people who unfollowed you and manage who you follow on Twitter.

A single space where you can see multiple Twitter accounts and you can view which Tweet has been replied to




A Twibbon Campaign is your very own microsite where users can support your cause, brand or organisation in a variety of ways.

My Tweet Cloud

Twitter tag cloud

Twitter Party Calendar

TweeParties calendar of events page listing all Twitter parties to be held this month and next month on Twitter, including parties planned and hosted by TweeParties, Inc.


Search by hashtag for chats or conferences and create a story out of it. Curate only the best tweets in the thread.


Want to save or analyse all the tweets which used a particular hashtag? Enter a hashtag below to get a list of all the tweets which referenced it, to download as a CSV spreadsheet or share with friends or colleagues - great for post-event analysis. No logins or spam tweets involved, promise.


Fight on Twitter comparing the number of tweets for two hashtags.