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Updated by Max Kull on Feb 24, 2025
Headline for Top 10 weapons you can find in Great Plateau BotW
Max Kull Max Kull
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Top 10 weapons you can find in Great Plateau BotW

When u start the game is it good to know where u can find the best beginner wepons in the legend of zelda breath of the wild (botW)


10. Tree Branch

10. Tree Branch

10 This is the tree branch/stick this is the worst wepon in the game and it deals 2 damage dont take this wepon if u find better wepons.


9. Woodcutter's Axe

9. Woodcutter's Axe

9 This is the woodcutter axe it deals 3 damage thats pretty good if you are an beginner. Be sure to use the spin attack when u attack an enemy and not the orginal attack and when your woodcutter axe are close to broke just throw it at an enemy do it with all wepons throw with R1.


8. Boko Club

8. Boko Club

8 The bokoblin club deals 4 damage its better than woodcutter axe. Do not use spin attack on this wepon only use the orginal attack and throw it on an enemy when its almost broken.


7. Bokoblin Arm

7. Bokoblin Arm

The bokoblin arm deals 5 damage same as travlers sword. If u find skeletons look like bokoblins punch them one time on the body they will fall down in small pices then take the arm and u got it.
Bokoblin arm get broken faster than the travlers sword but if u find a bokoblin arm take it.


6. Traveler's Sword

6. Traveler's Sword

6 Next up is travlers sword deals 5 damage. Use the orginal attack on this wepon you can find this wepon at a broken house you can find more better wepons there but travelrs is recomended.


5. Throwing Spear

5. Throwing Spear

5 Throwing spear is made to throw so if u find a enemy just throw it in the face or poke it. Throw it is recommended remeber trow it in the eye it does dubble damage but the weapon will broke when doing this.


4. Farmer’s Pitchfork

4. Farmer’s Pitchfork

4 Farmer’s Pitchfork you can find in stables and rarley when bokoblins hold it. When bokoblins hold in one be careful it does a lot of damge on you when they get an hit on you when you have 3 hearts so maybe they kill you in one hit..... it deals 7 damage so if you find one take it its wroth it dont trow this wepon poke them.


3. Korok Leaf

3. Korok Leaf

wow this is funny to use use the attack button and it will do a wind hold to do a big wind and if u use the throw attack ZR it will do a charge attck and the enemy will get in the wind and fly away a bit stand on a tower or somethiong high and use it and the enemy will fall down you can find this weapon by chop down trees.


2. Travler's Claymore

2. Travler's Claymore

On the second place we have the Travler's Claymorethis this is one of the best weapons in great plateau you can find it deals 10 damge thats much if you are an beginner! use the spin attack by holding Y it will take on your stamina when the stanima have runned out it will do a big area smash stay close to the enemys while doing this.


1. Iron Sledgehammer

1. Iron Sledgehammer

1 On the 1st place we have The iron sledghammer it deals 12 damage when getting this hammer and see an enemy just use the spin attack by holding Y it will do more damge then only use the orginal attack by pressing Y but while using spin attack it will waste your stamina.




So that was all hope you learned or liked this list please follow me and vote this list i wanna see if you liked it or not :)