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Updated by srinivas-k on Apr 19, 2018
Headline for 3 Compelling Reasons to Use Horoscope Matching For Marriage
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3 Compelling Reasons to Use Horoscope Matching For Marriage

Vedic Astrology is an ancient practice that Asian Indians have embraced as a means to predict their future and take steps to create favourable outcomes. Horoscope matching for marriage continues to be a key aspect of how matches are fixed in arranged marriages. There are three compelling reasons why horoscope matching for marriage should be considered.



Horoscope matching for marriage is a key validation phase

Horoscope matching for marriage is a key validation phase

The Indian system of arranged marriages do provide you with the opportunity to interact with the prospective match a few times before you take a final call on moving forward with the marriage. However, these interactions in an arranged marriage setting may not help both the parties understand or appreciate each other beyond evaluating the obvious information that the parties choose to share. Horoscope matching for marriage takes into considerations the emotional, physical, psychological, financial, as well as behavioural compatibility factors between a man and woman. All of these factors cannot be verified any other way in an arranged marriage setting!


Horoscope matching can help you cut to the chase!

Horoscope matching can help you cut to the chase!

For those that consider arranged marriage as “old-fashioned” and would rather find someone on their own, horoscope matching can help catalyse the search for a soulmate. When you go out with a person on a date, it takes several meetings and interactions to start understanding the other party. It may take several months or years to figure out if you are truly compatible with the other person.

Horoscope matching can help you reach a conclusion about the person you are interested in faster. You can use basic information about the person you are interested in to find out the dimensions of your relationship that are expected to be strong as well as areas where there may some incompatibility.


Horoscope matching introduces an element of rationality in the matchmaking process

Horoscope matching introduces an element of rationality in the matchmaking process

We are all victims of perceptions and most often than not, take decisions based on first impressions. When we make a long-term commitment based on limited information or superficial information, we leave everything to chance.

Horoscope matching for marriage is a data-driven approach to classifying people and matching people who are likely to have a better chance of a successful marriage or relationship. A go/no-go recommendation from your trusted astrologer helps you balance your decision-making process by evaluating a comprehensive set of compatibility factors and helping you steer clear of emotional decisions.

Click here for further reading on how horoscope mathcing for marriage works.


Matching couple

Matching couple

This is an example of a couple whose horoscope matches and are considered compatible for marriage.

Example: Dina Kuta Compatibility for Couple A

Nakshatra position difference from the boy’s Nakshtra to that of the girl’s Nakshatra is 9. Hence there is compatibility on one side. The Nakshatra difference counted from the girl’s Nakshatra to that of the boy is 20. 20 divided by 9 gives us a remainder of 2 which corresponds to a compatible outcome. Hence 3 points is assigned to couple A for Dina Kuta.


Mismatched Couple

Mismatched Couple

Here is an example of a couple whose horoscope do not match.

Example: Dina Kuta compatibility for couple B - Nakshatra difference from the boy’s Nakshtra to that of the girl’s Nakshatra is 13. 13 divided by 9 gives us a remainder of 4 which corresponds to compatible Dina Kuta. However, the difference in the Nakshatra position calculated from the girl’s Nakshatra is 16. When divided by 9, the remainder in this case is 7. 7 denotes incompatible Dina Kuta. Hence, Couple B gets 1.5 points for Dina Kuta compatibility.