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Updated by Kacey Conrad on Apr 18, 2018
Headline for Empathy in Literature
Kacey Conrad Kacey Conrad
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Empathy in Literature

Here are some resources students can access while exploring the theme of empathy in literature.


This image provides a quote about empathy in literature from author Barbara Kinglover

This image provides a quote about empathy in literature from author Barbara Kinglover

I chose this image because the quote is simple, yet powerful and offers an opinion on the impact of books by an experienced, professional author.

This article provides research supporting increased empathy through literature and offers examples.

I chose this article because it is a quick, informative read for students. After reading the article they will be exposed to research that supports increased empathy through reading of literature and have examples of books that include the theme of empathy.


This image explains how literature both acts as a window and a mirror to ideas.

This image explains how literature both acts as a window and a mirror to ideas.

I chose this image because I think it provides a great simile for students to connect with. Literature allows readers to gain exposure to new ideas, like looking out a window, but also allows readers to analyze their own ideas and beliefs to those of the author. I hope this image will help students see how their books are acting as windows and mirrors.

This magazine article explains how books help us become more human.

I chose this article because the author writes to help students understand that books are for more than just entertainment. They nurture empathy and enhance social and emotional lives.

This video by Crash Course explains the reason behind why we read.

I chose this video because it's fun and engaging, but not too corny for high school students. The video explains that authors have to communicate to strangers through their texts and uses examples. The video will help students understand why authors write and they read.

This is a student created video about what they believe empathy is.

I chose this video because it gives students' perspective on what empathy is and I hope that my students will be able to connect since they will be close in age.

I chose this article because it provides students with good examples of empathy among characters within the literature that they might also be able to empathize with.

This is a list of books that have a theme of empathy.

I chose this list because it provides ideas of books students could choose to read during an empathy unit. It also sorts the books by age and gives a short description of the books.

This is another list of books that include empathy as a theme.

I chose to include this second list because the books appeal to older, more advanced students. The first list had several books for younger students that may not be the strongest readers.

This is a list of links to podcasts on empathy.

I chose this list because I couldn't chose just one of the podcasts. One of the podcasts explores how to have empathy and understanding for yourself, one explores deeper aspects of empathy like respecting an organism for what it is, one connects empathy to atoms, and so on. The variety of podcasts allows students to find one that appeals to them.

This article explains how to teach empathy through literature.

I chose this article because it is a great resource for me as a future teacher to gain ideas on how to handle the heavy subject of empathy in my future classroom.