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Updated by Yuly Asencion Delaney on Nov 02, 2020
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Enseñanza del Español como Lengua Heredada

Recursos para la enseñanza del español para hablantes de herencia.

Heritage Spanish | COERLL

Despite their growing popularity, Heritage Spanish programs remain underserved by commercial textbook publishers. What that means for us who teach heritage learners is that we are left either to adapt the few published materials that do exist to fit our programs or else to create our own. This community is intended to become a place where you can find and share resources easily. Share your resources (syllabi, activities, lessons, etc.), or information about events with this growing community.


En comunidades- Libro de texto

En comunidades- Libro de texto

En comunidades es el nuevo libro de texto para cursos de hablantes de herencia de Carla España y Luz Yadira Herrera publicado por Heinmann. Se centra en el método sociocultural con un enfoque pedagógico crítico. Con este libro los estudiantes latinx son honrados al suplir sus competencias y conocimientos con el uso del translenguaje y los estudios multimodales que ponen al estudiante al centro del aprendizaje.

National Heritage Language Resource center

The National Heritage Language Resource Center, at the University of California, Los Angeles, is a federally funded language resource center whose mission is to develop effective pedagogical approaches to teaching heritage language learners, both by creating a research base and by pursuing curriculum design, materials development, and teacher education.

Spanish for Heritage Learners | ACTFL

Visit our special resources pages from this menu for information related to current events.  (Teaching and Learning Remotely was formerly resources related to COVID-19)

Teachers of Spanish Heritage Speakers Public Group | Facebook

Teachers of Spanish Heritage Speakers has 2,678 members. This group is for Spanish teachers that teach a class of students that already speak Spanish...

Adventures in Heritage Teaching – The Journey of Two Heritage Spanish Teachers

Thanks for being part of our journey! We teach Spanish heritage speakers in Fort Collins, Colorado, and we started this blog to share our adventures with you!

Resources for teaching Spanish as a heritage language | Kim Potowski

STEP 1: First, figure out who your heritage speakers are. Be able to describe what they can already do in Spanish and what they cannot yet do.

Spanish as a Heritage Language

Spanish as a Heritage Language (SHL) is an international peer-reviewed journal dedicated to highlighting the emerging body of scholarship surrounding the field of Spanish as a Heritage Language studies in both theory and practice. SHL is a forum for sharing innovative ideas, research, and practical experiences from diverse areas of research, all pertaining to the overarching theme of heritage speaker bilingualism.




The Heritage Language Journal (HLJ), an online, blind peer-reviewed journal, was established in 2002 to provide a forum for scholars to disseminate research and knowledge about heritage and community languages. HLJ is published by the National Heritage Language Resource Center at UCLA. The journal seeks submissions focused on acquisition and pedagogy of heritage and community languages from any of the following perspectives:

The Routledge Handbook of Spanish as a Heritage Language - 1st Edition

1st Edition Published on May 8, 2018 by Routledge The Routledge Handbook of Spanish as a Heritage Language brings together contributions from leading linguists,

Teaching Heritage Languages: An Online Workshop

An online workshop designed to help language teachers face the challenge of teaching heritage language students.

Heritage Language Teaching: Research and Practice | ASU Now: Access, Excellence, Impact

A summary of research in heritage language development and an exploration of classroom practices that best meet the needs of heritage learners in the United States based on that research. There is particular emphasis on Spanish as a heritage language due to the large amount of research generated in that language, but general principles as well as specific details relevant to other languages are also featured.

Materiales – Lessons Plan | Pedagogías Críticas para la Enseñanza de Lenguas

Esta es una colección de proyectos que nacen de la investigación y el desarrollo de Pedagogías Críticas en la Universidad de California Riverside, la Universidad de Oregón, la Universidad de Western Illinois y la Universidad de Wisconsin Whitewater. Las unidades que aquí presentamos pueden ser adaptadas para la enseñanza de lenguas en general, del español como lengua de herencia en los Estados Unidos y para estudiantes con otro tipo de antecedentes lingüísticos. Nuestro enfoque se centra en contenidos que apoyan a lxs instructorxs de lengua en la creación de un currículo con elementos de pedagogías críticas inclusivas. A nuestra propia aproximación teórico-práctica le hemos llamado CSLL por sus siglas en inglés. Está basado en un acercamiento de Critical Sociocultural Linguistic Literacy (CSLL). Por medio del acercamiento CSLL, lxs estudiantes y educadorxs tienen la oportunidad de desarrollar la conciencia crítica de la lengua al adquirir y crear ellxs mismxs un conjunto de conocimientos y habilidades (literacy) por medio de prácticas sobre la lengua en sus contextos socioculturales propios. Las unidades pueden adaptarse a cursos de un nivel menor o mayor y a diferentes tipos de contextos.

'English Only': The movement to limit Spanish speaking in US - BBC News

Attempts persist to make English the official language of the US. But what real power does it have?

Alliance for the Advancement of Heritage Languages in America

The Alliance for the Advancement of Heritage Languages is committed to fostering the development of the heritage language proficiencies of individuals in this country as part of a larger effort to educate members of our society who can function professionally in English and other languages.

Symposium on Spanish as Heritage Language

Symposium on Spanish as Heritage Language. 621 likes · 1 talking about this. The 7th National Symposium on Spanish as a Heritage Language will be hosted...

Practical Advice for Teachers of Heritage Learners of Spanish: Essays by Classroom Teachers – My generation of polyglots

Practical Advice for Teachers of Heritage Learners of Spanish: Essays by Classroom Teachers

Mi idioma, mi comunidad: español para bilingües – Open Textbook

Book Description: Mi idioma, mi comunidad: español para bilingües, is an open-access textbook for Heritage Language Leaners of Spanish that centers on students’ experiences with language, identity, and belonging in the Midwest through real-world applications. It uses a project-based approach that outlines how students engage in real-life applications by exploring culturally relevant topics in language use, arts, festivals, food, ethnography, oral history, digital lives, and the university. Through multimedia such as podcasts, videos, neighborhood maps, and music, we promote interactive exploration of culturally relevant content while supporting students’ language maintenance and growth.

We Teach Languages Episode 116: Linguistic Variation and Serving Diverse Heritage Learners with Damian Vergara Wilson...

In ep 116, Carolyn Siegel interviews Dr. Damian Vergara Wilson, Associate Professor at the University of New Mexico. As a graduate of the program he now directs, his ultimate goal for his heritage learners is for them to view themselves as legitimate Spanish speakers. In this interview he shares what that looks like both in a…

Jorge Drexler: Poetry, music and identity | TED Talk

One night in 2002, a friend gave Jorge Drexler the chorus to a song and challenged him to write the rest of it using a complex, poetic form known as the "Décima." In this fascinating talk, Drexler examines the blended nature of identity, weaving together the history of the Décima with his own quest to write one. He closes the talk with a performance of the resulting song, "La Milonga del Moro Judío." (In Spanish with English subtitles)

2020 Community-Based Heritage Language Schools Conference

2020 Community-Based Heritage Language Schools Conference

Adapting Curriculum to Heritage Speakers - KNILT

Choosing to become a teacher is choosing to help students become happy and successful members of our community. Some students in our classes will have different learning abilities compared to the average student the curriculum aims to impact. Understanding how to guide those learners with different abilities is a challenge that we all face in our teaching careers, regardless of the school district in which we teach, our subject matter expertise or our years of professional experience.

LdeLengua 128 sobre hablantes de herencia | LdeLengua

Para el número 128 de LdeLengua Francisco Herrera entrevista a Kim Potowski, especialista en los hablantes de herencia en los Estados Unidos. Kim es catedrática de lingüística en la Universidad de Illinois en Chicago. Dirige el programa de Español para Hablantes de Herencia y es fundadora del programa de estudios de verano en Oaxaca, México. Su investigación se centra en el español de Estados Unidos y las conexiones entre lengua e identidad.

Observatorio Cervantes - Harvard. Teaching Spanish as a Heritage Language. Kim Potowski

Video of the session with Kim Potowski about teaching Spanish as a heritage language.