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Updated by Vartika Kashyap on Apr 02, 2018
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5 super awesome ways to energise your work life

Being a working mother, I have to be always particular with many things and be fully present both at work and home. Parenthood is wonderful but at the same time, it is dreadful. My toddler — who is 4 years old and is at a stage where his imagination is running wild.



Workout: Keep alive the fitness idea

Workout: Keep alive the fitness idea

If you have already scheduled early morning hours for a workout, you are already doing good to yourselves. I made this healthy choice towards for my healthy living a few days back. Although, it is quite tough for me to get up on the first ring of my alarm, I manage doing it. I make up my mind before I sleep, keep my sneakers and workout clothes ready and at least 5 days a week I follow the trend.


Decisive: Making intuitive decisions

Decisive: Making intuitive decisions

Making decision is something that keeps many people stuck up. In a day I have to make hundreds of decisions, counting both small and big. What to wear, what to cook, when to set the deadlines, which client to take up and which to leave and so on.


Organized: No desk mess up or tasks overpiled

Organized: No desk mess up or tasks overpiled

Avoid keeping your desk free of piles of papers, files or notepads. I keep it clean and organized and all my work is managed through ProofHub. I keep a record of all my tasks there, organize my notes, record my ideas and keep all important files saved there.


Appetite: Avoid over fueling or too empty

Appetite: Avoid over fueling or too empty

Our energy level is greatly affected by blood sugar levels, and to maintain that level you have to fuel yourself properly during the day. I consume whole grains, vegetable juice and fruits, and proteins. We should fill our stomach with food that highly increases our chance of success. A healthy breakfast and nutritious snack will boost our energy level at work. Keep your blood sugar stable and your energy level will probably be more stable too.


Positivity: Negative thoughts are not allowed

Positivity: Negative thoughts are not allowed

Every moment you will have to struggle with maintaining peace or remain struggle with yourself. I choose to be at peace at work and home because it drives in positive energy and positive energy gives me the power. Although, when I achieve goals I am quite happy when I am developing a positive thinking daily it increases my productivity and allows me to plan practically.