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Updated by The HR Talent Fanatic on Dec 30, 2024
7 items   16 followers   0 votes   35 views

Social Media Tools to Check Out

I have lists in my favorites folder from friends. They have a lot of tools they recommend so this list is to keep track of them.

Free Online Animated GIF Maker - Make GIF Images Easily

Create high quality animated gifs & videos of yourself or advertisement banners online with, easy to use, no sign up needed.

Social Media Image Sizes Cheat Sheet

Get up to speed on your social media images sizes with this awesome infographic that shows you the different images sizes for each platform in 2016

How to Create Killer Images for Your Blog or Facebook - Blogging Basics 101

One of the questions I’m asked most often is where to find images for your blog (or Facebook, Pinterest, or any other popular social platform). Here’s a quick reference list. Bookmark and Pin this page to refer to it often!

100+ Attention-Grabbing Blog Post Title Templates That Work

You've probably heard this a lot of times. But YES. Having a catchy title is the key to grabbing people's attention. It's your golden ticket to increased traffic and wider audience. You need to elicit interest, emotion, and curiosity in your potential readers to make your blog post title as irresistible as possible.

Youtube to GIF | free YouTube to GIF Generator on Make A GIF

Create animated GIFs online from Youtube videos. Convert Youtube video to animated GIFs using our FREE and easy gif maker. Youtube to GIF.

33 Thought-Provoking Prompts To Get You Creating Content | Audiense

With 60% of marketers creating content at least once a week, the pressure to come up with ideas is real. Here's 33 creative content marketing prompts.

100% Free Article Rewriter Tool To Rewrite Content For Free

Article Rewriter tool is a free web-based article rewriting tool that offers the instant spinning with advanced rewriting techniques . This tool is reliable, fast and useful ever for teachers as well as for the students.