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Updated by Deb Schiano on Feb 23, 2024
Deb Schiano Deb Schiano
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Implementing OER Best Practices

Achieve OER Institute

OER eval Rubrics and more

ASCD Case Study

Williamsfield Schhools, ILL


Case Studies

Edweb: Creative Ways to Create Your Own OER - edWeb

One of the best things about open educational resources is that anyone can make them! It can seem like quite a daunting task to create OER from scratch. In this webinar, educators learned how to create OER using materials they already have.

Edweb: Evaluating OER Quality and Standards Alignment: It may be free, but is it any good? - edWeb

The question of quality is one of the overriding issues in the OER field. To address that issue, Washington State has developed a process for evaluating OER materials for alignment with state learning standards. This webinar, presented by the Open Educational Resources for the K-12 Classroom community, covered the review process, rubrics, and outcomes.

Edweb: High School Social Studies: A Digital Deep Dive

Join us for a live, interactive webinar where we’ll take a look at Open Educational Resources (OER) through the lens of high school social studies

Edweb: K12 Blueprint for OER Course Construction - edWeb

The Georgia Virtual School (GAVS) has been developing K-12 Open Educational Resources (OER) courses for the past three years. In this edWeb webinar from the OER in the K-12 Classroom community, GAVS Supervisor of Instructional Development Tami Echard shared four steps for OER course construction. Attendees discovered how to locate OER material for use in their own classrooms, learned the basics of Creative Commons licensing, and more.

Edweb: Open Educational Resources as a Means of Fostering Educational Equity - edWeb

Explore the resurgence of using OER to improve teaching and learning, and review how to get started in making the transition to doing so.

Edweb: Open Educational Resources (OER) 101 - edWeb

Webinar: Whether you are a veteran of re-using, re-purposing and sharing OER, a novice, or somewhere in-between, this webinar provided valuable information about finding, creating, and using robust common core aligned K-12 content. Let us help you reduce any fears and increase your understanding about using OER.

Go Open: a beginner's guide to open education - LibGuides at Dublin City University

The Go Open project is a collaborative project based in Dublin City University (DCU) and comprises team members from DCU Library, Open Education Unit and the Digital Learning Design Unit. The project aims to support the DCU Community to engage with open education practices in their teaching, research and support activities. The Go Open Project is funded by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education and DCU's Teaching Enhancement Unit through the SATLE 19 fund.

INACOL: OER and Collaborative Content Development

This report provides educational leaders with a guide describing the benefits of OER, a framework for planning, and strategies for successful collaborative content development.

ISKME's School Librarian OER Curation Framework

The Role of School Librarians in OER Curation A Framework to Guide Practice July 2019 This document, School Librarians as OER Curators: A Framework to Guide Practice, is based on a study led by the Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education ( in col...

K12 Open Ed

A blog for reflecting on the opportunities and challenges in open education