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Updated by Francisco Javier Balderas on Apr 20, 2018
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Post Kickstarter

Booklet of electronic paper toys ready to be cut, colored, assembled or
torn. In-between tech & design, STEM toys perfect for makers, adults and
kids !

Hack This Book: The Art of Tinkering's Conductive Ink Cover | Exploratorium Video

The Art of Tinkering is an unprecedented celebration of what it means to tinker: to take things apart, explore tools and materials, and build wondrous, wild art that's part science and part technology. Its cover is printed with a special ink that conducts electricity, allowing readers to make their own circuits right on the book and get in on all the tinkering fun. The wonder continues inside the book, where readers meet 150+ makers and learn the stories behind their beautiful and bold work.

SILVER INK CIRCUIT PEN by AgCI - Future with bright lights (HD)

This video uses a silver ink circuit pen developed by AgIC Inc. (AgIC has been developing products with silver conductive inks and technology to print circui...

Electric Paint Lamp Kit

Transform any piece of paper into one of three touch-sensitive lamps with Electric Paint and the Electric Paint Lamp Kit. Make three paper lamps with no tool...

Coralie Gourguechon

Web d'una artista que treballa fent circuit de "paper" utilitzant tinta conductiva

Bring 3D design and 3D printing into your classroom.

Enllaç a l'eina per ensenyament de
Útil per organitzar jornades o sessions de formació, administrant els alumnes, exercicis i examens, i a cost zero.
També compta amb una secció de tutorials sobre creació 3D (indispensable al moviment Maker) i sobre cirquits Arduino (perfecte per al nostre projecte)

sofia aronov

Sofia Aronov personal web site. Interesant projecte que combina la tecnologia de la tinta conductiva amb Vídeo mapping.

Habitatt -

Re-ink your habits: Temporary Tattoos for emotional well-being .
Por la tinta conductiva permetre el disseny de tatoos interactius?


Aquesta es la web de Bare Conductive, potser no encaixa ben be amb la idea de mostrar projectes fets amb tinta conductiva però es una de les empreses que més l'ha potenciat
No solament venen la tinta sino que també venen pack amb diversos experiments i per això trobo que es interessant.

PD: La Gemma ja va penjar un video demostratiu d'un d'aquests pack d'experiements

MaKey MaKey Musical Paintings

I used conductive paint from Bare Conductive with MaKey MaKey to make paintings of musical notation that you can play. The software making the sounds is call...

Es tracta d'un video interessant on es pot veure com la tinta conductiva es pot fer servir juntament amb altres "gadgets" per ampliar les possibilitats


Un altre web d'una empresa que també ha aprofitat el concepte de tinta conductiva per crear productes i experiències, en aquest cas més destinades a un públic infantil i juvenil.

Origami Crane Bookmark (LIGHTS UP!) with LEDs & Copper Tape - How to Create A Simple Circuit

Origami bookmarks can be even cooler with LEDs. Learn how to make an origami crane bookmark that lights up! With the help of LEDs and copper tape (or conduct...

How to make a card that lights up!

Check out to see our products, more ideas and inspiration! In this video Lawn Fawn design team member Yainea makes an awesome light up ca...