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Updated by Nikolaj Mackowski on Mar 12, 2018
Headline for List of interesting websites
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List of interesting websites

I have found a couple of websites which I think are pretty well designed. Two of them are companies and the last one is a personal blog. Take a look at the design. I think its pretty beautiful. What do you think? Let me know :)

MakeLove and superior design

MakeLove is a pearl in web design and are running on WordPress CMS, WooCommerce and Flatsome Theme. The main colours used are red, white and black and in my humble opinion it is one of the most well designed shops in its niche.

Pictures are primarily obtained from Pixabay which is a great way of getting royalty free stock photos and is free to use. Even without mentioning the author, but you can do that in the meta fields just to pay respect, right?

Do you agree with me? I think it is truly a pearl in modern web design. See MakeLove Erotic Shop Here


Bluesecure Danmark Vagtfirma

Bluesecure Danmark Vagtfirma

Bluesecure Security Company

This is also another well designed company website and is also based on WordPress CMS and the template used is Avada, Avada is one of the best selling templates of all times and despite it is not that easy to use, it will - if you give it time - turn out to be real beautiful, when you are being creative.

Bluesecure has been on the internet for 3 years time now and the web design hasn't changed that much, just being refined as the template Avada evolves with time and new features are being build in.

What do you think about the company website? Is it a pearl? I think it is.

Take a look here: Bluesecure Vagtfirma

Bluesecure Danmark Vagtfirma, Vagt, Vagter i hele Danmark

Bluesecure vagtfirma leverer vagt, vagter og vagtservice i hele Danmark. Vi har 23 års erfaring med vagt, vagter, vagtservice og udlejning af dørmænd.

Nikolaj Mackowski Personal Blog

Nikolaj Mackowski Personal Blog

This is a personal blog of Nikolaj Mackowski and the content is mostly focused on being an entrepreneur with all of the things connected to being so. Successes and looses, and having a bank connection that will borrow you an umbrella and then asking for the umbrella back, when the rain starts to pour down.

Is based on WordPress CMS and Let's Blog theme which is extremely easy to use even for beginners. Although some experience is required within WordPress. But WordPress is fairly easy to learn if you take your time.

Have a look at this personal blog of Nikolaj Mackowski, but please remember, that it is written in Danish. Just so you know, OK?


Pixabay Free Stock Photos

Pixabay Free Stock Photos

PIXABAY is my all time favourite source for getting free stock photos with absolutely no strings attached. All you have to do is to go there and type in keyword in the search field. You will get a list of relevant stock photos that you can use everywhere with no restrictions at all.

I use this service all over my sites and I even use it making promotional leaflets or other marketing material. It is so cool and its totally free. You can - how ever - buy the author a cup of coffee or otherwise say thank you. I strongly urge you to do so.

Take a look at Pixabay Free stock photos online

Eksperter i linkbuilding Vi går målrettet efter pladser i top 3

Klikko is a leading link building provider in Denmark and they are awfully good at what they do. Also, I like the clean design of their website because it is minimalistic and yet powerful.

The people behind this company are a couple of enthusiastic people with love of link building and search engine results. Visit their site and see if you agree with me on the minimalistic, yet powerful design.