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Updated by Pepe Soriano on May 30, 2023
Pepe Soriano Pepe Soriano
9 items   3 followers   4 votes   1.24k views

Desarrollos para contraseñas y passwords

passwords, codepen


A simple interactive piano play lock screen. Play the piano to unlock webpage. You need to type right key that showing on the piano to unlock website. ...

Bruteforce Hacking Simulator

Visual rapresentaion of bruteforce hacking (letter per letter), as seen in Hollywood....

Lock Screen - Locker

A lock screen inspired by the mac app 1Password....


Recreation of the popular mobile game Pop the Lock in CSS/JavaScript...


A simple unlock UI element that I'm working on for a side project. It validates to "1234"...


Tug on that browser window: right, left (pass once), right. Get to crackin! p.s. It helps to start with a smallish browser width. Numbers are approxima...