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Updated by Hope For Your Story on Oct 01, 2024
Headline for How to Deal with Post-Abortion Pain
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How to Deal with Post-Abortion Pain

Following an abortion, it’s not unusual for the baby’s mother – and often the father – to struggle with feelings of guilt and grief. If you’re in this position, we want to encourage you with the assurance that healing is possible. This collection of resources is full of comforting guidance to help you through this difficult time.

Abortion Changes You

This confidential space is for those who are touched by abortion, whether the experience happened recently or years ago.
Abortion Changes You is a refuge for those who wish to tell their story and begin the process of healing.

After Abortion Support

There is no right or wrong way to feel after your abortion. Every woman’s experience is unique. Some women feel relieved, and some women regret their decision right away. Some women have deep feelings of loss, and others may not feel much at all.

Finding Healing and Hope After an Abortion (Part 1 of 2)

Author and speaker Patricia Layton describes how God has helped her find emotional and psychological healing after an abortion she had when she was younger, offering encouragement and hope to women who are struggling with similar pain. Pat also discusses her ministry to post-abortive women and dismantles the cultural lie that "abortion hurts no one." (Part 1 of 2) 

Dealing With the Trauma of a Past Abortion

Many women who choose abortion struggle with guilt – guilt that stops them from talking about it or getting the emotional help they deserve.

Lisa Luby Ryan | I Am Second

Lisa Luby Ryan wanted the perfect life: children who adored her and a husband that would protect, guide and love her. But things didn't turn out that...

Men and Abortion

Our Mission - To promote emotional healing for men who have lost a child to abortion, and to create awareness among the counseling community, the pro-life movement and society as a whole regarding the impact of abortion on millions of these hurting fathers.

A Solitary Sorrow

This impressive book is written by a family therapist and a physician who have counseled hundreds of post-abortive women. Honest, accurate, and practical, it offers hope and encouragement to women seeking healing after abortion. A must for post-abortive women, their friends and family, pregnancy center counselors and other who seek to help.

When it’s Not Too Late: Can the Abortion Pill be Reversed?

Even if you’ve already taken the abortion pill, it might not be too late to reverse the effects of a chemical abortion.

Stephen Arterburn: Every Abortion Involves at Least One Man

After Stephen Arterburn got a girl pregnant and pressured her to have an abortion, he came to the realization that very abortion involves at least one man

Lessons From a Teenage Abortion Accomplice

Even now, nearly 40 years later, I still get sick when I remember what it felt like sitting in the waiting room while my friend had an abortion.

Save the Storks | Empower women to choose life

Our mission is to create a story of hope and empowerment for every woman facing an unplanned pregnancy.

Support After Abortion

To compassion and support for those impacted by abortion

After Abortion Helpline - H3Helpline - After Abortion Helpline

H3Helpline is a national after abortion helpline offering 24/7, free & confidential support for people with emotional pain after abortion.

Surrendering The Secret

Welcome to Surrendering the Secret (STS), a ministry designed to help women (and men) heal from the hurt of abortion. Abortion affects people of all walks of life. At STS we, provide resources for women that have had abortions, and opportunities for others to help support these women.

Passages of Hope

At Passages of Hope, we offer no-cost support services for individuals who have endured emotional trauma, whether from unhealthy behavioral patterns, past sexual abuse or assault, reproductive loss, or abortion.

Fatherhood Lost: Abortion’s Lasting Impact on Men I

Kurt Ramspott and Aaron LeCave discuss the often-overlooked impact of abortion on men and offer hope and encouragement to those who wrestle with grief and guilt over a past abortion.

Save One

Abortion has a deep ripple effect. You may have chosen abortion personally, lost a child to abortion, or your life has been profoundly affected by abortion. SaveOne can help you through the healing process.

Understanding a Post-Abortal Friend

Why won't my friend talk about her abortion? It's obvious that she's in bad shape emotionally, and I'd like to help her. But every time I try to broach the subject, she clams up. Do you have any insights into what she might be thinking?

MCN Network - Find A Clinic - Help When You're Pregnant

Unexpected Pregnancy? Now what? Get a free medical verification of pregnancy near you. Safe, accessible care. Where YOU matter.

This booklet provides encouragement and specific guidance for women who have experienced an abortion.

Home - The Abortion Survivors Network

Most people do not realize that sometimes abortion procedures fail, are stopped, or reversed (abortion pill), and survivors exist.

Our research estimates that 85,817 infants have been born alive after failed abortions since 1973. The average number of abortion survivors each year is approximately 1,734. Are you one of the survivors?

The Abortion Survivors Network has a message for you, "We see you, we care about you, and we understand." With over 700 abortion survivors located already, you are not alone. No matter what you have been through, we are here for you.

Care Net Helps Men and Women Find Healing and Grace from Abortion

With post abortion recovery resources, Care Net helps men and women find healing after abortion.

Forgiveness and Healing for Post-Abortive Women

Lindsay Christensen and Laurie Haynes share powerful stories of healing and hope from their ministry to post-abortive women and men.

Healing From Abortion, Rape and Miscarriage

My dad had to carry me out over his shoulder after the abortion. We got in the car and silently agreed to never talk about what happened.

  • Life is full of surprises, challenges and questions – and sometimes we all need help finding answers. Are you struggling in your marriage? Is your son or daughter involved in activities that have you worried? Or maybe you’re facing an unexpected pregnancy or navigating conflict with your aging parents. Whether you’re in the midst of a major crisis or simply a perplexing situation, we have compiled resources that can point you in the right direction. And remember – we’re constantly updating our content, so check back frequently for the latest and greatest resources.

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