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Updated by WeAreCiscoTalentBrand on Dec 22, 2020
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2018 #WeAreCisco #LoveWhereYouWork Winners and Finalists

With over 2500 entries (that's double the number from last year!) the core team had a difficult (but fun!) task of narrowing the field down for the judges, and the judges had the difficult (but fun!) job of picking the winners. Drumroll, please . . . . .


The Grand Prize Winner!

That saying that a picture speaks a thousand words has never been more true. This photo was unanimously chosen as the GRAND PRIZE winner of this year's contest! If this isn't what #LoveWhereYouWork looks like, we don't know what is!

That saying that a picture speaks a thousand words has never been more true. This photo was unanimously chosen as the GRAND PRIZE winner of this year's contest! If this isn't what #LoveWhereYouWork looks like, we don't know what is!

Submitted by Uana Li, Client Service Representative in Dalian, China.


Category: Photography

As it turns out, there are some seriously talented photographers who also work at Cisco! Everyone involved in the judging kept saying "wow!"

Winner! Kay Lenz

Getting wacky with Cisco teammates @ The Colors of Stobosa. What a fun activity for Day 1 of Q3! #wearecisco #lovewhereyouwork #stobosa #baguio

Runner Up! Yiyun Meng from Shanghai

Aerial view of Cisco brand in CRDC after sunset CPBU Engineering-China

Finalist: Cisco Cranes on Twitter

Maybe this is what it feels like to hold the #wholeworld in your #hands. #WeAreCisco #LoveWhereYouWork #PaperCranes #CiscoSanJose #Milpitas


Finalist: Harsha Umesh

Finalist: Harsha Umesh

Feels sooooo good....!!!#WeAreCisco #LoveWhereYouWork


Category: Furry Coworkers

When Cisco technology allows you to work from anywhere (even if that's the office in some locations!), that means that you can have your pets by your side to help get the job done. This was probably the hardest category to get through, because we all kept saying "awwwww!" to each new photo!

Winner! Brandon Black

“Say cheese! Hercules says "My WiFi's better than yours" #cisco #cmx #lovewhereyouwork #wearecisco…”

Runner Up! Frances Bettis

“This is Sammy! He's such a good sport, participating in 'Love Your Logo' week @Cisco.

#WeAreCisco #LoveWhereYouWork #dogsofcisco #LoveYourPetDay @WeAreCisco”

Finalist: Ileana Le Cates

“Those spreadsheets aren’t going to finish themselves, Jorah. 😆💻 Fiiiiiiine, I guess I’ll help you.…”

Finalist: Ravindra Lakpriya

“Human It says CATalyst 3560 for reason. #wearecisco #lovewhereyouwork


Category: Cisco Kids

Every year, Cisco employees surprise us with their entries, and every year, we end up adding a category that we didn't think of to start. This year, that category was Cisco Kids! We value the work-life balance that we have in order to be there for the important moments, we value our teams' support when our children come first and we LOVE getting the next generation excited about what we do at Cisco. Thank you, employees everywhere, for keeping us on our toes and bringing us joy from seeing these photos.


Winner! Carrie Bruce

Winner! Carrie Bruce

Love when my grand babies can pop into my home office! #WeAreCisco #LoveWhereYouWork


Runner Up! Jan Von Der Lage

Runner Up! Jan Von Der Lage

Work is not a loction where you go, it is about what you do! STRONG Work / Life balance at Cisco keeps everyone happy :) #LoveWhereYouWork #WeAreCisco #Cisco_MUC

Finalist: Brandy Coward

“While I may miss this cutie more than I think I realize, I know I’m heading back to an incredible…”

Finalist: Rafael Ceara Batlle

“My son asked me:Dad, one day I want to become a #CiscoSE. What I need to do?Son, always remember:
1.Stay hungry! #CiscoLearningAcademy others! #TeamBuilder
3.Keep focus! #FightforaWin
4.Give back! #CiscoTime2Give
#WeAreCisco #LoveWhereYouWork  #ncsocares


Category: Logo Love

If you don't know how much Cisconians love the Cisco logo - posing with it, wearing it, creating it and more - then you're not paying attention! The Cisco logo makes our world go 'round.

Winner: Maria Fernanda Fernandez Montero

“Mi Postal De Vivir Es Increíble 😅❤️👌🏻 #Popocatepetl #PasoDeCortes #WeAreCisco #LoveWhereYouWork 😂”

Runner Up! Rajarshi Das Gupta

“#WeAreCisco #WeAreEverywhere #LoveWhereYouWork #CustomerSuccess

Finalist: Cisco Cranes

“When the #sunset comes around, the #cranes flock towards the nearest #Cisco sign in #Milpitas. :) #WeAreCisco #LoveWhereYouWork #WeAreFamily #PaperCranes #CiscoSanJose


Category: Teamwork

We talk a lot about great teams at Cisco, because teamwork definitely makes the Cisco dream work. We love our teams, the people on our teams, and even teams of teams.

Winner! Oksana

: “It’s fun at work in Moscow office every Monday and Thursday on our stretching class🕺🏻 That’s when a…”

Runner Up! Ale Salgado

“Cisco Soccer Team Girls!! #WeAreCisco #LoveWhereYouWork #WomenInTech

Finalist: Miruna Candea

“Every day feels like a sitcom episode when you have a team like this. This season on the EMEAR Talent Hub...#WeAreCisco #LoveWhereYouWork