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Updated by Brian Loebig on Jun 21, 2020
Brian Loebig Brian Loebig
4 items   8 followers   8 votes   1.88k views

Best Copywriters

These are the best copywriters we have worked with personally.

Feldman Creative

Persuasive Copywriting, Website Copywriter, Advertising Copywriter, Freelance Copywriter, Direct Response Copywriter, and Professional Copywriter -

Kristi Hines

Kristi Hines is a freelance writer, ghostwriter, and professional blogger whose expertise include online marketing, search engine marketing, and social media marketing.

Mary Loebig Giles

I work as a publishing consultant for non-fiction authors who plan to submit to a publishing house, self publish, or are already in contract. I provide a wide variety of services, including: coaching, content editing, layout and design direction, guidance on the manuscript submission process, and consultation on building an author platform. I provide highly detailed feedback on how to improve a manuscript and its marketability.

Philip Day Communications

It's a big word with so many definitions, especially in this Digital Age. I define it as saying what you want to your potential clients quickly, efficiently and profitably. That's what Philip Day Communications is all about!

  • Owner of, author of, Volvo of Richmond blog, The Baldrige Resource Library Blog, and part-time Technology Manager for the Alliance for Performance Excellence, Brian has...

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