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Updated by ecopestcontrolperth on Mar 27, 2018
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Pest Control Perth | Ants Pest Control | Organic Pest Control

The EcoShield Pest Control is one of the best pest control companies in Perth. Pest Control Perth offer you all type of pest management services like rat, ants, termites, bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, flies and Organic Pest Control. Our aim is to reinstate the usability of your personal or commercial premises.

At EcoShield Pest Control, we endeavor to control pest which may increase several health and safety risks for you and your family. Our team of experts is quite experienced in dealing with various pest problems effectively and easily, leaving you behind with peace in mind and ensuring the cleanliness and safety of your commercial or personal properties.

Get a quote today and remove the uninvited guests from your house or business at an affordable price along with the best-guaranteed results.

According to us, pests can really create havoc in commercial, personal and various industrial premises. However, the consequences are different sometimes. In personal spaces, pests can cause damage to you and your family- as they spread diseases in many cases. Whereas, in commercial and industrial spaces, they tend to cause damage to the property and can even spread diseases too. But, the worst of all pests can cause high financial losses and can impact the reputation of your business.

Know Why Prevention is Important?
Irrespective of which place pests are found in, it somehow becomes very important to call an expert like EcoShield Pest Control Services to get the job done. Over the years we have built quite a strong reputation for removing the harmful pests from your space efficiently and effectively.

The Services we provide:
➔ Ants Pest Control
➔ Bed Bugs Pest Control
➔ Bees Pest Control
➔ Bird Pest Control
➔ Cockroach Pest Control
➔ Flies Pest Control
➔ Fleas Pest Control
➔ Spider Pest Control
➔ Rats Pest Control Perth
➔ Termites Pest Control
➔ Ticks Pest Control
➔ Bird Mites Pest Control
➔ Beetles Pest Control
➔ Moths Pest Control
➔ Wasps Pest Control

What we promise?
Whether you are the house owner, business owner or even a tenant suffering from pest problems- always keep in mind that you can always call the best professionals in the town.
We promise to help you in removing the pests from your home, office and more. Ecoshield Pest Control services offer complete service packages that are specially designed to keep your premises pest-free and protected. Also, all our pesticides are eco-friendly and are safe to use. Our chemicals leave no adverse effects on your children and pets.

We have the best resources around! At EcoShield Pest Control, our determination always finds the best solution during the process of pet control. Just give us a call and we will be right there at your doorsteps.

Also, in case you are still under a warranty, with us you will not have to jump through the hoops so as to get something in a right manner- Just give our staff a call!
If you are Perth and you are looking out for a hand, as the choice, or someone with the right advice contact us today and get the best of our services.





Ants Pest Control Services

Ants are considered to be one of the most prominent species of insects all over the world. There are more than 15,000 classified species of ants in the world. These little insects live in a colony that works similar to our human societies. Ants are said to exist in huge numbers everywhere, even in the urban environments like cities, metropolitans and more.

There is an extensive number of ant colonies which are difficult to root out. So in case, you are looking for a solution to remove ants from your premises in Perth- our professional staff at EcoShield Pest Control will help you with the best services around the city.

What are the characteristics of ants?
As discussed above, there are many species of ants; this means that they can have varied characteristics. Well generally, ants do vary in size, which can range from 0.75 to 55 mm. These insects can also vary in colors from red to black, brown to green and more. Sometimes ants can also be seen with a white coloring around the home. These types of ants are commonly known as termites or white ants.

Health Risks and several Inconveniences caused by ants:
Most ants' species tend to respond with a bite when they feel threatened. Also, the ant bites can be quite of a health risk and it highly depends upon the species of the ant. There are some ants with highly painful bites that can also cause some adverse effects like skin rashes, blisters and even more. Always remember that even a harmless species of ants can cause the damage with their bites.

Whereas some species of the ants are said to trigger some very dangerous allergic reactions through their bites, therefore ensuring that there is no danger to you or your family with such harm is necessary.

Ants can also cause inconvenience by their habit of seeking around your home, these may lead them to consume food in your home and leaving it contaminated behind. Ants are also known to make holes in the structures of your house in order to travel.

Looking for an expert for removing the ants?
Always remember, ant infestations can be very difficult to destroy. But it must be controlled on time in order to prevent them running around your home and office areas. If you are facing issues with ants and badly want to control them – then Ants Pest Control services are the best solution for you. You can call us or book us through our website in order to get our services, we promise to visit you as early as possible. We aim at providing a 100% guaranteed results by keeping you and your family safe. Give us a call in order to get a quote.


Bed Bugs Pest Control Services

Bed Bugs Pest Control Services

Bed bugs are said to be parasitic insects that are available all around the world. They survive on the blood of other living organisms like human, dogs and more. These little insects are said to be bed bugs because they prefer nesting in warm areas like beds, luggage, and furniture and even in electrical sockets sometimes. Since, these insects feed on sleeping or relaxing people, which is why they barely notice colour.

However, when the bed bug bites it can cause several problematic symptoms on your body. Therefore, the best thing to do is identifying and handling them as early as possible.
If you are looking for a bed bug removal services in Perth then call us now. At EcoShield Pest controls, we have an expertise in order to assist you in the best ways possible during the service of bed bug removal effectively and efficiently.

Characteristics of these Bloodsucking Insects:

Bed bugs have a flattened and oval-shaped body with colour that varies from light to reddish brown. They like to feed on sleeping creatures only and therefore are said to active during the night.

Even though these insects tend to act individually, but they have congregated once in the colony established in the mattress of your bed. They only leave their colony when they want to feed on a host. This makes them a little difficult to identify.

Health Risks Caused By Bed Bugs
Bed bugs bite in order to feed its host, this can result in various health issues too. The bites can result in some itchy rashes on your skin that may later make you suffer from insomnia. Also, the bite of a bed bug can also cause many allergies, so dealing with their infestations becomes quite important here.

However, it is very difficult for a non-professional to remove all the bedbugs from your home successfully, as they can live at even the least expected place in your house. Professional bed bug removal service providers like us ensure the complete eradication of the infestation.

Most early signs of the bed bug presence are the rashes on your skin. A single bed bug generally bites in a number of rows on your body. So, the presence of a collection of red rashes on your skin can be the sign of bed bug infestations. Furthermore, if you spot one of these harmful insects, the chances are that you are somehow dealing with a colony of bed bugs around you.

Looking For an Expert In Bed Bug Removal?
Bed bugs are quite common to surrounded with, this is due to the fact that they feed on the blood of other creatures. These insects can survive several months without feeding on someone. So, if you need to control them then call our experts at Bed Bugs Pest Control services. We are very dedicated to using eco-friendly products that are completely safe for you and your family. Our teams of professionals work to make sure that any infestation is handled and removed with a minimum amount of disruption.


Rats Pest Control Perth

Rats Pest Control Perth

Rat Pest Control Perth

Talking about rats- well there is nothing about this pest that is appealing. The field or house. Roaming rats can be found in and around the fields or some houses in Australia. Being the leaders in rat control, we can help you to maintain a rat-free environment. At Rats Pest Control Service we aim at providing you with the well-tailored services in order to control the infestations in your home or around your commercial property.

It is quite accepted that if you see a rat, there are chances that much more are hidden somewhere away in the cracks and cleft of your house. Rats are highly intelligent animals with a very short gestation period, this means that if they are left unchecked a small family can really be seen invading your home and turning it into a full-blown infestation only in a few weeks.

The dangers From Rats
There are many reasons why rats are considered to the unwanted visitors in your homes. They can also cause a considerable damage to the buildings, gnawing up your furnishings, electric cables, clothes and more. Rats are also popular for transmitting diseases by contaminating stored food. They can really make your living environment extremely unhygienic.

Moreover, if you have rats in your home or office, trust us they could attract some very dangerous snakes to your home and thus these can put you and your loved ones into high danger. At EcoShield Pest Control, we tend to treat all the rat control and removal related services. Our Job is to make you feel safe and 100% satisfied with any threat in your homes.

Rat control is quite important so as to avoid several serious diseases, that rats are known to transmit. These mammals can be very persistent and are they somehow manage to gain access to your premises they can spread a number of dangerous diseases and can also cause considerable damage to property as well.

** Damages Caused by Rats**
● Rats can damage the insulation of your house or office.
● They can gnaw anything from floors to wall, from to clothes to electrical cables.
● They can undermine well-maintained walls and other similar structures through their activities and habits of burrowing.

We specialize in rat control and can bring a high range of services right at your door. As professional Pest controller, we will inspect every nook and cranny of your house in order to determine the extent of the problem. At EcoShield Pest Control, our aim to provide you with the best pest removal services.

We suggest you keep your house and kitchen area clean, use rubbish bins that come with tight-fitting lids. A good sanitation is a crucial factor to keep the rats and mice away. Plus, if you are looking for an expert for rat and mice removal services make an online enquiry by visiting our official website or call us on our helpline numbers. We are always ready to serve you.


Cockroach Pest Control Service

Cockroach Pest Control Service

Cockroach Pest Control Service

There are always a few levels of cockroaches present be in your residential premises or even the commercial ones. These small brown creatures are never a good sign in any home. These pets come with a rational reproduction rate and thus can multiply into a huge number in a particular environment.

Cockroaches often eat the unsealed food or several organic materials available in your house. Therefore, in urban cities, they are often removed using an expert pest control services. If you are looking for any type of Cockroach Pest Control Services then contact us, at Ecoshield Pest Control we are happy to serve you.

Common Characteristic of Cockroaches

These pets are brown in colour often comes with flattened and oval-shaped bodies. They also have a pair of wings. Cockroaches can be found easily due to their higher population and ability to reproduce quickly.

Cockroaches are more able to survive several radiations than us and can easily survive for many hours. They can feed themselves from a variety of sources that can be a glue or postage stamps, clothes or even paper.

However, these creatures are not invulnerable. They can also survive for a month without feeding themselves, but only some. Cockroaches can easily be removed from a home, as long as you hire someone like us with correct equipment and solution to your every problem.

Health Problems caused by Cockroaches:
Since cockroaches are not the carrier of harmful diseases. But, they can potentially cause several health-related problems by contaminating your food and home environment.
These insects also have the ability to crawl anywhere and thus they carry bacteria from various places within your house. A cockroach also releases some bad-smelling chemicals into the air that can rest on various surfaces providing another avenue for illness.

These pests have also been linked to a number of allergies, so in case you find cockroaches in your property it is best and suggested to handle them quickly in order to reduce the risk of sickness and other severe allergic reactions.

Also, spotting a large number of cockroaches in a property is the quite clear sign of their infestation. Other basic characteristics that help you spot a cockroach is by their foul smell.
If you have spotted the insect and notice a horrible smell pervading your house, it is the best time for you call in a pest control services.

Looking for Cockroach Removal Services in Perth?
As discussed above, the colonies of cockroaches can cause a number of severe sickness and allergies. Plus they also leave a foul smell. If you think that you need a professional hand to remove cockroaches from your residential and commercial properties then we at Ecoshield Pest Control have the best-designed equipment so as to ensure that these pests are removed quickly and in an efficient manner. To find more about us please contact us by calling on our helpline number or by visiting our website.


Beetle Pest Control

Beetle Pest Control

Beetles are in a huge number than almost every other insect.They do not bite through but they are considered to be the pests because they will contaminate your food and will consume almost everything they come across, be it wooden furniture to the fabric or linens and even your carpets in many cases.

They are available in various colours and are considered as damage-causing insects in Australia. This pest never live in colonies, therefore it can be hard to spot them and treat them unless you are an expert, Luckily at Beetle Pest Control we are!

These insects always prefer to feed upon organic or material of animal origin. Beetles can attack a wide range of materials, as discussed above. They can feed upon your woollens, clothes, fabrics, silk, fibre type insulating material and sometimes even upon dead and decayed animals or insects.
Their Infestation can lead to some severe damage. The sign of having an infestation around is the activities that range from damaging the material, sand-like droppings, live larvae and more.

Prior to the treatment, we will make sure that your furniture is moved so that we can inspect the area underneath. Vacuuming is very important and highly recommended for the treatment. This Process will remove different stages of beetles ensuring the pest in an efficient manner.

For Ecoshield Pest Control, inspection is the key! As always we will inspect all the possible areas if the infestation. As some infestations can be quite noticeable and some may be less. Therefore, missing the less noticeable ones may lead to further control issues. It is also important to inspect the roof void of your house too.

Type of Damage Beetle Cause
During the larval stages can damage a wide of material. Their diet tends to vary according to their species, but materials like carpets, wool, fur, feathers, and silk are among their favourites.
Adult beetles are small with oval-shaped bodies. They are about 3-2mm longs and generally are dark in colour. The legs of a beetle are not easily slighted the larvae tend to move a little slower than an adult beetle.

Our Best and Tested Solution to your Beetle problems
Being the professional in the industry, we identify and target the beetle infestation easily. At EcoShield Pest Control, we use safe and eco-friendly products that are available only to some of the licensed technicians around the city.

We take your Pest-related problems seriously and take pride in delivering a best-in-class service. Our professionals hold an expertise in Beetle Removal services and that makes the best of the best.

We promise you a service with 100% satisfaction by visiting at your scheduled time.
What are you waiting for? Get a quote now.




Honeybees are definitely independent. They can fly for miles for food, they can defend themselves against attack, and they can even survive the harshest winters, despite being very vulnerable to cold. But despite being so tough, there are some basic things bees need to survive, and plenty of problems that can befall them. Let’s briefly go over what bees need and don’t need.

Honey Bee Pests and Diseases

While varroa mite is the leading biosecurity threat, honey bees may be affected by a range of pests and diseases including:

Tropilaelaps mite (Tropilaelaps clareae)
Tracheal mite (Acarapis woodi)
Braula fly (Braula caeca)
American foulbrood (Bacillus larvae)
European foulbrood (Melissococus pluton)
Leafcutter bee chalkbrood (Ascosphaera aggregata)
Small hive beetle (Aethina tumida)

Honey Bee Life Cycle

The life cycle of a honey bee is perennial. Each colony contains three adult castes: egg-laying queens, sperm-producing male drones and nonreproductive female workers. The only job of the drone is to mate with the queen during seasonal mating flights, and soon after discharging their sperm, drones die. Worker honey bees are able to live for six weeks, while queens can survive up to five years.

The life cycle of honey bees begins when an egg hatches. During the first stage of its development, the offspring from a digestive system, nervous system and outer covering. Each member of a colony develops as an adult over varying durations. Queens become full-grown adults within 16 days; drones develop in under 24 days and female workers require 21 days during larval and pupal development. Within each colony, a single queen rules her workers and drones. Future queens develop inside larger cells by constant consumption of royal jelly, while workers and drones are fed only royal jelly during the first few days of their lives.

While bees can benefit the environment in many ways, it is inconvenient and possibly dangerous to let a beehive thrive near your home.

It is important to properly identify the particular species living near your home, as bees are often mistaken for wasps due to their similar physical characteristics. There are different elimination processes for wasps and bees, so effective treatment relies upon proper identification. When using any method of bee control, it is also necessary to know effective application strategies, as well as the limitations and dangers associated with each method. In many regions, special licenses are required to treat infestations.

The only way to rid your home of bees is to remove the hive entirely. This precarious task requires the correct tools and strategy. For safety and efficiency purposes, a pest control expert should be consulted before any bee control technique is attempted.


Termite Pest Control

Termite Pest Control

Termite Pest Control

Termites are commonly known as white ants. These are one of the most destructive pests all over the world. They can cause a million of dollars damage to your properties be it your home or any of commercial space. Termites are found in many areas of Australia like Melbourne, Victoria, Perth and more, all too often. Also, the presence of a termite infestation generally goes undetected until a huge damage is discovered.

If you are having doubts about calling up one of the best pest control solutions in order to prevent these pests. We at Termites Pest COntrol are right here to serve you with the best services around the town.

The termites can easily damage your wooden structures and can make the matter worst. As discussed above they are extremely hard to spot. Termites are said to be the most fragile species of the insects.

As they do not have any defences when threatened. These insects require a moist and humid environment in order to survive. They nest underground or inside a piece of woods in general. Termites sometimes build leads or small tunnels that are made up of mud and cellulose.

EcoShield Pest Control Provides Professional Termite Pest Control Services
Our team of professionals starts up with trusted and proven inspection in order to provide you with guaranteed results along with a wide range of pest removal solutions for the eradication and future prevention of termite infestations. Termites can also be described as some of the most obstinate kind of pest that can easily multiply and invade your properties by staying away from your sight.

Therefore we believe that extermination of these pests must start by a thorough inspection of your property so as to assess the presence of termite infestation completely.

It is also important for us to draw out the most accurate strategies and best solutions in order to remove the termite infestation right from the root.

Looking for an Expert Termite Removal Services?
Termite protection and related treatments can vary from structure to structure. We also recommend that if you have any timber stored around the structure should be removed before we step on your property for the removal procedures. We also suggest you fix any leaking pipes and taps and make sure that there is enough ventilation in your home to prevent building up moisture inside.

At EcoShield Pest Control there are a number of methods available in order to treat termites. Some of the options may include the chemical barriers, baiting, and other monitoring systems.

Also, if you are looking for a quality and the most efficient services in terms of termite pest control solutions you always count on us. Feel free to contact us today by visiting our official website or by calling us on our official helpline numbers.