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Updated by WeMaLife on Jul 23, 2018
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Healthcare & Wellbeing Services

Home care services to help you stay in your own home! – Healthcare and Wellness Articles by WeMa Life

People, no matter what age, want to stay independent and live in their own home for as long as possible as they get older. Especially, when it’s the care for the elderly care, In-home care can help in this case, & you stay in your own home for longer. Here we have some more reasons for you to stay at your home, yet receive the best care support – 

Tips to maintain good health with sound efforts – Healthcare and Wellness Articles by WeMa Life

Everybody realizes that eating a balanced diet, exercising and getting a lot of rest are vital for their wellbeing. In any case, that can appear to be a tough task while people are highly under the influence of bad eating habits, stress etc.

Importance of healthy eating habits and how to stick to them – Healthcare and Wellness Articles by WeMa Life

You are what you eat.

A great many people know that eating healthy is one of the major to lead a sound life, but only a few of them actually incorporate healthy habits into their everyday routine.

Adhering to a good diet and consistently exercising can essentially help you in maintaining a strategic distance from exorbitant weight gain and improve your well being. A standout amongst the most vital advantages of adhering to a good diet is that it can counteract even the most ceaseless diseases, for example, coronary illness, depression, tumor, joint inflammation (arthritis), diabetes and stroke while likewise keeping your cholesterol and blood pressure at bay.

The Importance of Health and Healthcare – Healthcare and Wellness Articles by WeMa Life

Considering the fast pace of the world, today a lot of people are struggling to make the most out their lives, especially on the health front. Eating processed food, consuming alcohol or other things which do not cover the nutritional aspect, have now become a major part of most people’s lives and all such things are leading everyone to a major health crisis. For eg. If you closely look at the stats about the growing obesity rates, then you would realize how alarming it is to have a huge chunk of people falling into this category. Alarming rates like these point out to us the importance of health and healthcare in our lives; How the balance needs to be there no matter what.

Premature Menopause: Age, Signs, Causes and Treatments – Healthcare and Wellness Articles by WeMa Life

When it comes to Menopause, the average age of women to get it, is between 40 to 50 years. But some women get it early as compared to others.

Elderly Home Care – Advantages and Disadvantages – Healthcare and Wellness Articles by WeMa Life

Elderly Homecare services gives therapeutic help to those patients who need to recover from any sort of medical injury, illness or health crisis in the comfort of their own home. It is an alluring choice for elderly grown-ups, mainly because they get medical care without even stepping out of their comfort zones. It can likewise encourage more established grown-ups and others that need help with exercises of day by day living, such as eating, washing, and dressing.

Using the internet to find the right care giver for your loved ones! – Healthcare and Wellness Articles by WeMa Life

Isn’t it great that healthcare services are just a click away from you? If you need to book an appointment with your GP (general practitioner), then all you have to do is go to a portal and book it. Yes, it’s that easy!

Homecare: The right solution to treat patients properly – Healthcare and Wellness Articles by WeMa Life

If you were asked to recover with ease and comfort under medical supervision – Where would you prefer it at? Home or Hospital?

WeMa Life and Healthcare at Home – Healthcare and Wellness Articles by WeMa Life

When it comes to Healthcare at home, with WEMA Life you find all the care, health and wellbeing services you need with just one click. We connect you with vetted and trusted service providers and guide you through a simple search and booking process where you can even pay online. Regular health updates, health checkups and follow ups are some of the initial perks which are available to you and there are several other advantages of it as well.

Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle – Healthcare and Wellness Articles by WeMa Life

With a whopping increase in the number of deaths due to heart diseases, cancer, ceaseless infections etc., people are struggling hard to avert from them. Considering the fact that obesity is the foremost reason/ cause behind all these diseases, individuals are now seeking various options to lead a healthy life. If you too are a part of the bunch, who wants to stay healthy on the mental and physical front, then make sure to incorporate these tips in your lifestyle choices:

The WeMa Life Team – Healthcare and Wellness Articles by WeMa Life

“WeMa Life was an an idea borne out of the family circumstances. We were looking for a caretaker for an elderly member of the family and just couldn’t find the perfect health solution. Hence, considering the complexity of such problems, we decided to cater to the needs of those patients who wanted to have their health needs met easily at home with the help of a digital platform. This is how WeMa Life originated as we decided to make things easier for the patients to seek healthcare solutions with just one click.”

What is WeMa Life and Why do we need it?

Online Healthcare Systems have become the need of the hour. People out there who are always on the go usually do not have time to commit to their health and other important things, hence Online Healthcare Systems for them works wonder. WeMa Life is a virtual medical platform that aims to provide complete care through online healthcare services to people around the world. We strive to be an ideal platform for health education, online consultation, personal health record storage and comprehensive care.

Give physiotherapy sessions to your customers in India and UK - Sign up with for a bigger customer base.

If you are a physiotherapist in India or UK and wish to expand your customer base, then get in touch with us at - We at WeMa Life present you with the opportunity to list with us and get more and more customers on board to sell your service. Now you can get access to thousands of new customers who are looking for you through the WeMa Life marketplace. We have an easy online booking process, where your customers can book your services online from any computer or mobile device - Yes, it’s that feasible. Not just this, but we also have a very constructive approach to manage your bookings i.e. A simple, secure, cloud-based software to manage your entire business operation. Your growth will be pretty consistent throughout the journey as WeMa Life takes care of finding new customers and managing your business, so you can focus your main goal, delivering the best service to your clients. Do not wait up and start signing up with us already

Yoga Instructor!! Now sign up with WeMa Life and get customers more than ever!!

If you are a Yoga instructor based in India and UK, then you have this magnificent opportunity to establish yourself as a successful brand and bring tons of customers to your door. WeMa Life brings you the opportunity to sell your service online. Now you can get access to thousands of new customers who are looking for you through the WeMa Life marketplace. We have an easy online booking process, where your customers can book your services online from any computer or mobile device - Yes, it’s that feasible. Not just this, but we also have a very constructive approach to manage your bookings i.e. A simple, secure, cloud-based software to manage your entire business operation. Your growth will be pretty consistent throughout the journey as WeMa Life takes care of finding new customers and managing your business, so you can focus your main goal, delivering the best service to your clients. Do not wait up and start signing up with us already.

What is WeMa Life and Why do we need it? – Healthcare and Wellness Articles by WeMa Life

Online Healthcare Systems have become the need of the hour. People out there who are always on the go usually do not have time to commit to their health and other important things, hence Online Healthcare Systems for them works wonder. WeMa Life is a virtual medical platform that aims to provide complete care through online healthcare services to people around the world. We strive to be an ideal platform for health education, online consultation, personal health record storage and comprehensive care.

How to take care of elderly patients at home? – Healthcare and Wellness Articles by WeMa Life

Do you have an elderly one at home, who needs help with their daily chores or possibly everything that they do? As people grow older, their physical and mental needs change accordingly. You may have an elderly person at home, who at times can’t walk properly or stutters while conveying his/her needs. We understand your concern that taking care of an such a person who has various medical needs to be met, is a tough task. But with a positive and well planned approach, there’s a lot that can be done to take care of your elderly one.

Nipah Virus(NiV): All you need to know!! – WeMaLife – Medium

Nipah Virus is a recently rising zoonosis that causes an extreme infection in the both animals and people. This infection was first recognized in Malaysia and Singapore in 1998. Around then, it was…

Best Foods to fight belly fat – Healthcare and Wellness Articles by WeMa Life

Getting rid of adamant stomach fat that lumps over your pants is possible by eating power-packed nourishments. Some nourishments contain supplements that can enable you to fight the stubborn fat, especially in the midriff of your body, which possibly creates many medical issues like heart problems, breathing issues etc. While you may want to directly target your belly fat with various exercises, it is highly recommended to make a few sound tweaks in your dietary pattern. For most part, these are the effective sources of nourishments which can help you fight belly fat ....

6 Home remedies for Flu Symptoms – Healthcare and Wellness Articles by WeMa Life

Being sick, notwithstanding when you’re home in bed, isn’t enjoyable. The blend of body pains, fever, chills, and nasal clog can be sufficient to make anybody tiresome.

There are a lot of home cures that can ease your side effects of flu and get you back to normal. In the event that despite everything, you feel debilitated following half a month, schedule a meeting with your specialist. On the off chance that you experience difficulty breathing, have a fast pulse, feel blackout, or encounter other extreme indications, get therapeutic help sooner....

Natural Ways to lower your Blood Pressure – Healthcare and Wellness Articles by WeMa Life

In the United States, 1 in each 3 grown-ups has hypertension and just about portion of these individuals have their Blood pressure (BP) under control. Hypertension or BP is a developing issue and can be caused by various elements including stress, high sodium consumption, stoutness, absence of physical action, drinking or smoking.

Luckily, there are simple and normal  tips for how to bring down Blood pressure in the wake of making changes to your life.
Here are 6 lifestyle changes you can make to bring down your BP level and hold it down.

  1. Lose additional pounds and watch your waistline

Blood Pressure frequently increments as weight increases. Being overweight additionally can cause disrupted breathing while you sleep (sleep apnea), which additionally fastens your pulse.
Having a normal weight as per your body type is a standout amongst the best lifestyle changes for controlling your blood pressure. Losing even a little measure of weight in case you’re overweight or fat can help lessen it naturally.

Advantages of Elderly Homecare Services – Healthcare and Wellness Articles by WeMa Life

Elderly homecare is very advantageous for the adults who need additional support, be it for health or for social purposes.

We need our elders to be in the pink of health, however regardless, have the autonomy and solace that they’re used to. Regardless of whether they are battling with tasks that they might’ve taken care of much better in the past – like cooking, cleaning, or taking care of their medication – a feeling of independence is always vital for their own particular mindset. Hence, that is the reason home care is such an extraordinary option for seniors. As opposed to moving to a new place to live nearby different seniors and caregivers, they can get cozy home care services in a space they know and love – their own home....

Swear by these 4 Health resolutions to transform for the better – Healthcare and Wellness Articles by WeMa Life

Every year the clock ticks down and we set new year resolutions that fire off within two to three days; Most of you will agree that a huge amount of people have resolutions for weight loss only, in order to remain healthy.  

How smart health technology is improving healthcare? – Healthcare and Wellness Articles by WeMa Life

Technology is thought to be the main impetus behind expanded advancements in healthcare services and, when you take a gander at the rate of progress, the contribution is beyond amazing...


Are you a physiotherapist who’s been practicing in UK or India since years? Do you wish to take your service online and get an expanded customer base? Well, for that make sure to sign up with - We at WeMa Life present you with the opportunity to list with us and get more and more customers on board to sell your service. Now you can get access to thousands of new customers who are looking for you through the WeMa Life marketplace. We have an easy online booking process, where your customers can book your services online from any computer or mobile device - Yes, it’s that feasible. Not just this, but we also have a very constructive approach to manage your bookings i.e. A simple, secure, cloud-based software to manage your entire business operation. Your growth will be pretty consistent throughout the journey as WeMa Life takes care of finding new customers and managing your business, so you can focus your main goal, delivering the best service to your clients. Do not wait up and start signing up with us already.

Welcome more customers & let your service get recognition; Yoga instructors sign up now!

Are you a Yoga instructor based in India or UK? Do you wish to expand your customer base and get great work recognition? We at WeMa Life present you with the opportunity to list with us and get more and more customers on board to sell your service. Now you can get access to thousands of new customers who are looking for you through the WeMa Life marketplace. We have an easy online booking process, where your customers can book your services online from any computer or mobile device - Yes, it’s that feasible. Not just this, but we also have a very constructive approach to manage your bookings i.e. A simple, secure, cloud-based software to manage your entire business operation. Your growth will be pretty consistent throughout the journey as WeMa Life takes care of finding new customers and managing your business, so you can focus your main goal, delivering the best service to your clients. Do not wait up and start signing up with us already.

  • With WEMA Life you find all the care, health and wellbeing services you need as we connect you with vetted and trusted service providers and guide you through a simple search and booking process wh...

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