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Updated by Bill Gassett on Jul 09, 2024
Bill Gassett Bill Gassett
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Why Dual Agency in Real Estate is Bad For Buyers and Sellers

When buying or selling real estate it is smart to have an agent in your corner representing your best interests. For a buyer this is called a "buyers agent". For a seller it is known as a "sellers agent".

There is however, an agency type that should be avoided and it is called "dual agency". Dual agency does not benefit a buyer or a seller in any way. The only benefit is for the real estate agent.

Dual agency has in fact been banned in quite a few states. Don't be fooled by real estate agents who say their is nothing wrong with dual agency.

You are paying a real estate agent thousands of dollars - don't accept lack of representation.

How Does Dual Agency Work

What is dual agency and why buyers & sellers should avoid it. See how dual agency works. It offers no benefits to home buyers and sellers. Lots of real estate agents want you to agree to dual agency because it benefits them. Don't fall for it. In this article you will see a great explanation on what is dual agency and how it works.

How Will Dual Agency Work For Me

Dual agency is an awful situation in real estate where the Realtor becomes a neutral party. Buyers and sellers both give up a representative in their corner fighting for their best interests. The agent collects a double commission though so of course they tell you there is no problem with it. Don't fall for that non-sense!

Don't Let Your Real Estate Agent Trick You About Dual Agency

Why Dual Agency is Nothing But Deception For Buyers and Sellers! Don't let your real estate agent talk you into accepting dual agency. The only person who benefits from dual agency is the Realtor.

Don't Be Deceived By Dual Agency When Buying or Selling a House

When you are buying or selling a home you do not want to be fooled by dual agency. See what dual agency is and how it works. There is only one party that benefits from dual agency - the real estate agent.

Dual Agency in Real Estate Offers Buyers and Sellers Zero Benefits

When you are buying or selling a home you should reject dual agency. Dual agency offers sellers and buyers no benefits whatsoever. The only party that benefits from dual agency is the real estate agent.

Dual Agency Doesn’t Benefit Buyers and Sellers

Asking clients to sign an agency disclosure form isn’t enough. You must explain what dual agency is and why it’s problematic. If you are a buyer or seller you should never find dual agency acceptable. The only person who benefits from dual agency is the real estate agent.

Never Let Your Real Estate Agent Practice Dual Agency

When buying or selling a home you should never allow your real estate agent to practice dual agency. Always have an exclusive buyer's or seller's agent. When you allow dual agency your agent becomes a neutral party and does NOT represent you anymore.

Dual Agency in Real Estate Is Bad For Sellers and Buyers

See why dual agency is bad for buyers and sellers. When buying or selling a home, never let your real estate agent practice single agent dual agency. There are no benefits to consumers. The only person who benefits from dual agency is the real estate agent.

Dual Agency: Why It's Awful For Buyers and Sellers

As a buyer or seller it is essential to understand dual agency in real estate. When your agent practices dual agency they no longer represent you. Lots of real estate agents will try to convince you that there is nothing wrong with dual agency - never let them! Become educated on why dual agency is so bad for buyers and sellers.

Don't Be Conned By Dual Agency When Buying or Selling a House

What Are The Different Types of Agents in Real Estate? One of the types you will want to avoid is a dual agent! Single agent dual agency is one of the dumbest things in real estate sales. If you are buying or selling your home make sure you avoid dual agency. See why you should in the article at Vocal.

Dual Agency- The Dark Side of Real Estate Sales

Dual agency- when an agent/agency represents both the buyer and seller in a real estate transaction. Understand what you may be giving up with dual agency.

Dual Agency Should Be Banned Everywhere

Dual agency should be banned in every state. The only person who benefits from dual agency is the real estate agent.

What Are Dual Real Estate Agents

See what a dual agent is and why it is bad for buyers and sellers. Don't accept dual agency when buying or selling a home. Always have your own real estate agent who fights for your best interests.

Don't Be Fooled By Dual Agency

Dual agency is bad for buyers and sellers. The only person who makes out is the real estate agent. Dual agency should be banned in all states. Don't accept dual agency when buying or selling a home!

Avoid Dual Agency When Buying or Selling a House

If you are going to be buying or selling a home this article will interest you. You are about to discover one of the hottest subjects in real estate. Learn about the real estate term known as "dual agency" and why this situation does not benefit consumers. Understanding how dual agency works is something most consumers don't understand. The same can be said for a fair amount of real estate agents as well.

Understand How Dual Agency and Designated Agency Differ

Buyers and sellers: avoid the dual agency conflict of interest when you hire your next real estate agent.

A Dual Real Estate Agent Does Not Represent You

In the world of real estate, it always helps to have a real estate agent you can trust looking out for you. But what if you are a seller, and the potential buyer use the same agent? This is what's called dual agency and it offers you no benefits. Find out why you should avoid dual agency.

How Agency Works in Real Estate

Do you know who represents who in a real estate transaction? See an explanation on sellers agency, buyers agency, dual agency and facilitation. Do not accept dual agency as it offers you nothing good!

Why Dual Agency Benefits Real Estate Agents Not Consumers

See why dual agency offers no benefits to a consumer. Real Estate agents benefit from dual agency and nobody else. Don't accept this arrangement.

Drawbacks of Dual Agency in Real Estate

How Does Agency Work in Real Estate? In real estate sales it makes sense for either a buyer or seller to have someone representing their best interests. This...

Why Dual Agency is a Conflict of Interest

Why Dual Agency Does Not Benefit Buyers or Sellers When buying or selling a home, it is commonplace for you to have representation by a real estate. If you are buying a home, you want a buyer's agent. Likewise, if you are selling a home, you want a seller's agent. Your agent is there to protect your best interests. He or she is your guide throughout the transaction beholden only to you. So when you need a question answered and want an experts advice, they are there for you! In real estate sales,

Dual Agency: Why It Doesn't Benefit Consumers

It's a fact. Buyers don't care about the relationship of Realtors when they're buying a home - but they should. Buyer's agents can save buyers thousands of dollars and help them through the home buying process to alleviate time and stress with the property representation. Here you will find out all about Dual Agency.

Don't Be a Victim Of Dual Agency When Buying or Selling a Home

Smart home buyers and sellers understand the importance of having a real estate agent in their corner during a real estate transaction. An exclusive buyer's or seller's agent is able to counsel and advise throughout the sale. They are a fiduciary looking out for your best interests. Don't accept dual agency where YOUR real estate agent becomes a neutral party. The only person who benefits from dual agency is the real estate agent.

What is a Dual Real Estate Agent and Why is it Bad

When buying or selling a home you want an advocate in your corner - someone who will represent your best interests. In traditional sales this is what's referred to as a buyer's or seller's agent. There is another form of agency you should never accept called dual agency. In dual agency the agent you hired becomes a neutral party. Don't accept dual agency!

Warning: Dual Agency is Illegal in Some Places But Massachusetts Isn't One

Massachusetts Allows Dual Agency, But it Has Been Banned in Other States. When you hire a real estate agent to work with, you expect them to represent your best interests. You want your Realtor to be someone you can count on who will be your confidant and lean on for expertise. See why dual agency is so bad at Newsbreak.