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Updated by James Mcavoy on Feb 16, 2018
Headline for How Flowers and Culture Tailor the Meaning of Carnations
James Mcavoy James Mcavoy
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How Flowers and Culture Tailor the Meaning of Carnations

Described as gentle, graceful and glorious, carnations are most popular and oldest cultivated flowers in the industry. Available in almost every color, it’s a meaningful and expressive flower choice. Red carnations are popular for festive Christmas display, white; pink and pastel carnations are an obvious choice for wedding flowers, buttonholes and bridal bouquets. Besides these, purple and yellow are superb in colorful summer bouquets.


Carnation Flower Meaning

Carnation Flower Meaning

There’s trend of carnations these days. Before you choose one, know its importance. The exact meaning of the carnations depends on the circumstances and color symbolism. However, Love, Fascination, and Distinction are the most common meanings that apply to all carnations.


Color Meanings of Carnation Flower

Color Meanings of Carnation Flower

No doubt every different carnation is a symbol of love and affection. The color of flow attached to it carries a different meaning. Before presenting carnations to someone you love, you should know their meaning.

• Red flower: Admiration and Deep Love
• Pink flower: A Mother’s Love
• White flower: Good Luck and Pure Love
• Striped flower Regret or: Rejection
• Yellow flower: Disappointment or Rejection
• Purple flower: Unpredictability or Capriciousness


Symbolism of the Carnation Flower

Symbolism of the Carnation Flower

Every culture, be it ancient Roman, Chinese, Korean, Victorian or Japanese, has its own meaning. Let’s dig them out.


Ancient Roman Legend

Ancient Roman Legend

According to them, the carnation flower came into existence after the Crucifixion of Christ. When mother, Mary, wept at the demise of her son, her tears fell upon the earth. The carnations came out of each spot the tears stained on the earth.


Korean Culture

Korean Culture

In Korea, the carnation is sued for foretelling the fortune of young girls. Young girls place three freshly cut carnations in their hair. They observe which of the three dies first. In case the top flowers die, it is the indication of coming years of the girl’s life will be filled with strife. If the middle flower gets faded first, it is believed the first will have turmoil during her youth. On the death of the lower flower, the girl is supposed to face great challenges throughout her entire life.


Chinese Culture:

Chinese Culture:

Chinese people use carnation in weddings. Carnation is the most common flower used in wedding ceremonies in China.


Japanese Culture

Japanese Culture

For Japanese people, red carnation is the epitome of love. It is the most common flower for Mother’s Day.




In the Victorian Era, flowers were often used to send a secret or coded message to a suitor or secret admirer. At times, people would answer secret questions by presenting carnations. Here are the color codes:
• A solid colored carnation meant the answer was ‘yes.’
• A yellow carnation was the symbol of “No”.
• A striped carnation would address feelings like I’m sorry, but I cannot be with you.


United States

United States

In the United States, carnations are considered the official flower. They’re given on Mother’s Day. They also wear it in corsages and boutonnieres for prom and other special events. The green carnation is typically worn on St. Patrick’s Day. It’s also believed to be the birth flower for January.




While all carnation or bulk carnations symbolize love, you should pick the color in order to tailor your message. Besides, choosing a carnation, make sure in which country you want to send it. As, every different culture has different purposes of carnation.