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Updated by Jane Boyd on Feb 13, 2018
Headline for Resources Related To Children with Disabilities in Early Learning & Care
Jane Boyd Jane Boyd
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Resources Related To Children with Disabilities in Early Learning & Care

A list of resources to support the online professional development ECE Workshop - Supporting and Working with Children with Exceptional Needs. Visit for further information.


Supporting all children to fully participate in their communities requires high quality
Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) experiences.

The Well-Being of Canada's Young Children: Government of Canada Report 2011

The Well-Being of Canada's Young Children: Government of Canada Report 2011

This report aims to provide a “snapshot” or inventory of the state of regulated child care for
children with disabilities in Canada. It establishes a baseline for considering issues and progress
on inclusion of children with disabilities in regulated child care programs.

SpeciaLink: The National Centre for Child Care Inclusion

SpeciaLink: The National Centre for Early Childhood
Inclusion has returned to its roots in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia,
after a three-year term in Winnipeg. With great regret but also with
a sense of commitment and purpose, the returning Cape Breton Executive
Committee and Executive Director, Dr. Sharon Hope Irwin, welcome
the opportunity to move ahead on the SpeciaLink mission to “Expand
the quality and quantity of early childhood inclusion.”

Based on the front-line experiences of pioneer child care staff and directors, this book identifies what must be done to fully include children with special needs in all Canadian child care programs.

(Note this resource is from 2000 so statistics and policy information is dated; however there are still helpful ides and practices that are shared.)

HIGHLIGHTS provides a summary of our Canadian study into resources needed to successfully include children with special needs in child care centres in Canada, and warnings about potential problems and barriers to these goals.

July 2014

  • Jane Boyd


    Writer, Marketer, Collaborator, Connector and Entrepreneurial Early Learning & Care Educator/Consultant
    Jane Boyd is a highly connected & visionary leader who builds local & global community — face to face and online. She builds engagement, nurtures collaboration and role models social generosity with intention every day — in life and business. Through 45 Conversations, Jane consults with key stakeholders to address issues related to education, community, business & work-life.

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