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Updated by Hope For Your Story on Oct 01, 2024
Headline for Managing Your Money So it Doesn't Manage You
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Managing Your Money So it Doesn't Manage You

Whether your financial house is fairly well in order or you’re contending with a load of debt and struggling to make ends meet, there is always room for growth in this area. Even if you’re not sure how to clean up a financial mess you may be facing, take heart: it’s possible to manage your resources with wisdom and confidence. This list of resources can point you down the road toward greater financial security.


Mvelopes can help the average person save 10 to 20% of their living expenses. Go beyond budgeting with the full capabilities of Mvelopes

Embrace Your Money Type to Find Financial Unity

When money types work together, couples can reach their financial goals and also achieve a level of relationship health that transcends monetary value.

10 Ways to Quickly Improve Your Finances

Soon after graduating from college, I moved into a townhouse with a few guys. We had lots of good times in that place. We loved to be social and took advantage of every opportunity to get people together. We had to get creative sometimes, because we were just starting our first jobs after graduating and didn’t have much money. In fact, I remember our old voicemail greeting, “Hello, you’ve reached Andrew, Greg and Brad. If this is our friends, you probably owe us money. If this is our parents, please send money. And if this is a girl, we have lots of money.” That may have been the most ignored voicemail greeting of all time.

Discovering Your Money Type (Part 1 of 2)

Tommy Brown offers insights from his book, The Seven Money Types: Discover How God Wired You to Handle Money. He outlines those seven types, unpacking their strengths and weaknesses, and offers couples advice for working through their financial disagreements. (Part 1 of 2)

Balancing the Family Budget | FamilyLife®

A memorable moment happens to almost all newlyweds at the end of their first month of marriage: Husband or wife assembles a pile of bills and receipts on the kitchen table, looks at the checkbook balance, and then breaks into a cold sweat! If the differing expectations and value systems present in every home have not collided before now, they are about to.

Crown Financial

Crown exists to help individuals, and families, live in financial freedom as a direct result of heart transformation. Getting out of debt, living on a budget, and having money in the bank are important.

Dave Ramsey

Ramsey, America's trusted voice on money, is a National best-selling author and radio host. Learn to budget, beat debt, & build a legacy

Kids and Money

Your kids can learn more about their monetary boundaries with your help.

Marriage and Finances: Buying a House

When should a couple start thinking about purchasing a home?

What Are the New Rules For Saving Money?

It’s possible you were raised in a home that had a healthy mentality about money. Your parents your parent figures talked to you about finances, gave you tips on managing money, and modeled a responsible, financial lifestyle.

Queen of Free - Save Money & Slay Debt

Save Money & Slay Debt

Michelle Singletary - Finance advice and financial help from the nationally syndicated columnist.

Michelle Singletary is a nationally syndicated columnist and personal finance advisor who regularly appears on national television and radio. She is the author of three books.

How to Avoid Money Mistakes in Your Marriage - Focus on the Family

Once you identify these money mistakes in your marriage, you can take steps to get your finances — and your marriage — on track.

The Pandemic Was Your Wake-Up Call. Now Do This...

Do you wish the dollar amount in your savings account was higher? If the country has woken up to anything during the pandemic, it’s the importance of having ...

Proven Biblical Money Principles - Dave Ramsey

Proven Biblical Money Principles - Dave RamseyLive Like No One Else - Part 4 (Skip to the message at 0:44) www.seacoast.org1. LIVE ON A WRITTEN BUDGETFor whi...

Money and Marriage — How to Thrive in Love and Money

Money and marriage. A recipe for disaster or a chance at growth? Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn share ways for couples to succeed financially.

Get Out! (of Debt) - Boundless

In case you’re just joining us, we’re in the middle of a discussion about debt. Last month we talked about how to stay out of debt. From the letters I’ve been getting, it’s clear that this next part will be even more useful: How to get out.

  • Life is full of surprises, challenges and questions – and sometimes we all need help finding answers. Are you struggling in your marriage? Is your son or daughter involved in activities that have you worried? Or maybe you’re facing an unexpected pregnancy or navigating conflict with your aging parents. Whether you’re in the midst of a major crisis or simply a perplexing situation, we have compiled resources that can point you in the right direction. And remember – we’re constantly updating our content, so check back frequently for the latest and greatest resources.

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