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Updated by Hope For Your Story on Dec 11, 2024
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Struggling with the Spark & Sizzle

Intimacy in marriage can create a number of difficult issues for couples – and, due to the private nature of this kind of struggle, many husbands and wives don’t know where to turn for input. We’ve pulled together some information geared toward helping couples restore healthy intimacy to their marriage.

When Your Husband Isn't Interested in Sex

Dr. Juli Slattery is clinical psychologist, author, speaker and broadcast media professional. She is also president of Authentic Intimacy, a non-profit ministry aimed at helping women have better marriages. Dr. Slattery’s books include Finding the Hero in Your Husband, No More Headaches and Guilt Free Motherhood. She and her husband, Mike, have three sons.

Authentic Intimacy

Authentic Intimacy is a unique teaching ministry called to teach on sexuality. Our vision is represented by two words that are rarely put together: SEXUAL DISCIPLESHIP

Enjoying Physical Intimacy as a Woman (Part 1 of 2) -

In a discussion based on their book Enjoy: The Gift of Sexual Pleasure for Women, sex therapists Dr. Cliff and Mrs. Joyce Penner discuss God’s design for sex, how women can increase their enjoyment and how couples can plan and prepare for times of intimacy. Our guests also address common obstacles to sexual intimacy and how couples can overcome them. (Part 1 of 2)

Passionate Commitment | Resources for Healthy Sexuality

ENJOY! The Gift of Sexual Pleasure for Women is designed to help free the wife to get in touch with her sexuality and share it with her husband — resulting in the discovery of greater love, passion and intimacy for both!

Is There Sex After Kids

“Sex … I could go the rest of my life without it!” I said to my husband, Mark, as we drove up to the bed-and-breakfast we had reserved for a two-day getaway. “I have no desire. I’m so tired, and I can’t seem to ever meet your needs!” After spending the past four years either pregnant or nursing, I couldn’t even remember what it was like to be a lover.

Gary Thomas on Sex

Where do we get our expectations that every act of marital sex is supposed to be a candidate for the highlight reel of marital ecstasy?

Husband Frustrated Over Wife's Lack of Interest in Sex

Home » Family QAs » Get Help » Family Q&A » Relationships & Marriage Q&As » Husband Frustrated Over Wife’s Lack of Interest in Sex

Red-Hot Monogamy

With their trademark insight, humor, and candid personal perspectives, Bill and Pam Farrel reveal the truths about the sexual relationship in marriage and what husbands and wives need to know to keep the embers burning.

Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott - Sex

Sex: What practical things can a woman do to make herself more sexually available to her husband?

The Impact of Pornography on Marital Sex

Dr. Juli Slattery is clinical psychologist, author, speaker and broadcast media professional. She is also president of Authentic Intimacy, a non-profit ministry aimed at helping women have better marriages. Dr. Slattery’s books include Finding the Hero in Your Husband, No More Headaches and Guilt Free Motherhood. She and her husband, Mike, have three sons.

Rekindling Intimacy

When I meet with couples preparing for marriage, they can’t believe that sex may someday become an issue between them. The thought of having your own apartment in which to make passionate love and enjoy guilt-free sex any time you want sounds like a dream!

Good Lovemaking Is About God

God designed sex to be best enjoyed when it is based on something other than mere appearance and performance. As a husband and wife pursue each other through intimate service, sacrifice, and struggle, God blesses them in a way the world can never know.

Marital Intimacy Is More Than Sex

There are at least five different types of intimacy. When we keep all five functioning, we have marriages that feel profoundly connected.

Why I Care About Your Sex Life ... And So Should You - Focus on the Family

Healthy sexual intimacy correlates with an overall strong relationship. But it's about more than having a good time in bed. It's a holy metaphor.

Four Ways to Have Better Sex

Sex is a gift God gave to husbands and wives, so why not learn how to enjoy it to the fullest?

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