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Updated by jamesmcphil on Feb 07, 2018
jamesmcphil jamesmcphil
38 items   1 followers   0 votes   4 views

Unity/C# Scripts and Repos

List was started by /u/-_-_-_--_-_-_ on reddit. I'm just putting it on here to allow users to add repos as they discover them.

Feel free to add any additional resources you know of.


InputBinder - Easily bind input events to methods in Unity.

Contribute to CharacterController2D development by creating an account on GitHub.

Here's a multi-player edit to allow flexible input across combos; same usage as the JS implementation above, just pass some more info to the constructor. Improvements by Ethan Redd

PixelCamera2D - A Pixel Perfect Camera for 2D Games in Unity.

DeadSimple-Pixel-Perfect-Camera - An exceedingly easy-to-use pixel perfect orthographic camera script for 2D scenes in Unity. Punch in a few specs and you've got a working pixel perfect camera. It's that easy.

CameraKit2D - Framework for creating 2D camera systems

Custom-2D-Colliders - A set of custom 2D colliders for Unity.

UnityTimer - Powerful and convenient library for running actions after a delay in Unity3D.

Unity3d-Finite-State-Machine - An intuitive Unity3d finite state machine (FSM). Designed with an emphasis on usability, without sacrificing utility.

dotween - A Unity C# animation engine. HOTween v2

This is used for controlling characters that need to move on a 2D map, as typically seen in top-down old-school RPG or strategy games. The character moves smoothly rather than jumping from square to square, but is confined to an user-defined grid.

Contribute to Unity-2D-Destruction development by creating an account on GitHub.

ZeroFormatter - Fastest C# Serializer and Infinitely Fast Deserializer for .NET, .NET Core and Unity.

A set of scripts built up from many examples for the Unity UI system.
Can be used either on their own or in collaboration with the new Unity UI system's source.

Tidy-Up - Unity3D Visual Organising toolkit to organise Project! :open_file_folder:

TinyIoC - An easy to use, hassle free, Inversion of Control Container for small projects, libraries and beginners alike.

Fluent-Behaviour-Tree - C# behaviour tree library with a fluent API

TinyMessenger - A lightweight event aggregator/messenger for loosely coupled communication.

ProceduralToolkit - Procedural generation library for Unity

UniRx - Reactive Extensions for Unity

SimpleTilemap - A fast, easy way to generate runtime tilemaps in Unity

unity-tilemap - A simple yet highly customisable tile mapping tool made for the Unity Engine