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Updated by Nick Kellet on Jun 07, 2021
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Feedburner Alternatives : An RSS web feed management provider list

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RevResponse's RSS to Email tool

RevResponse's RSS to Email tool is a free Feedburner alternative that instantly updates your subscribers with email newsletters and monetizes them with relevant resources such as eBooks, magazines, and white papers.

Feedio - Bridging the gap between you and your subscribers

Feedio is a subscriber management platform for bloggers. Feedio helps bloggers distribute their content to their subscribers better than Feedburner and every other rss aggregator out there.

FeedBlitz — The All-In-One Solution for Email and Social Media Automation

The All-In-One Solution for Email and Social Media Automation

Feed Informer: Mix, convert, and republish feeds

Professional service that blends and converts RSS and Atom feeds to other formats for publishing


Free RSS Feed, Boosting Engine, subscriber list and alternative to Feedburner.

RSS and ATOM Feed Boosting Engine - FEEDCAT.NET

RSS Feed and ATOM Feed Boosting Engine

RSS to Email - Blog Powered Newsletters by Nourish

Create RSS Newsletters with the Nourish RSS to email service to better manage your email marketing. Simply plug in your rss feed or blog into any campaign to create automated newsletters.

Email Marketing and Email List Manager | MailChimp

Free email marketing service from MailChimp. Design, send, and track HTML email campaigns with our simple tools. Get a fully functional free account.

Email Marketing Software & Email Marketing Services from AWeber

Email marketing software that's easy to use & only $1 to try. Send email newsletters & autoresponders. Top notch email deliverability with our tools. Free expert support services online or by phone. : feed your blog to twitter and facebook helps publishers deliver their content to the social web, including twitter and facebook.

Aggregate RSS and social feeds, search and get up-to-the-minute alerts

Define the part of the web you really care about (sites, blogs, forums, Twitter tracks, Facebook pages, etc.), run permanent searches and get alretd within minutes of the publication of matching content.

IFTTT / Put the internet to work for you.

Put the internet to work for you.

Real-time RSS feeds - RSS to email - Feed My Inbox

You can subscribe to all of your favorite feeds and receive daily or real-time updates in your email.

Create RSS Feed & Publish Podcast | Display RSS Feed on Your WebSite - RapidFeeds

Create RSS feed and display RSS feed on your website with FREE and simple online RSS service. Also Publish podcasting feed, Track RSS feed, Import Existing RSS feed and much much more!

Mad Mimi Email Marketing : Create, Send, And Track HTML Email Newsletters

Mad Mimi specializes in email marketing software for small businesses shops, non-profits, and more. Learn how to easily create html email newsletters today!

Mint: A Fresh Look at your Site

The original Mint. Mint is the only self-hosted, real-time, extensible web stats app. Satisfy your sweet tooth for site stats and get Minted!

Create RSS Feed Instantly with Feedity™ | Generate Podcast RSS Feed

Create RSS feed for any webpage or podcast. See how to make RSS feed instantly and display RSS feed on website. Feedity is an online RSS feed generator and podcast feed builder tool.

642+Free RSS feed submission sites list

Searching for some best List of Top 642+ Free RSS Feed Submission Sites List 2021, Free indexing sites,