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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
Headline for Top 05 Maldivian Delicacies – Dishes, Foods and Drinks - Grab your cutlery!
Joanna James Joanna James
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Top 05 Maldivian Delicacies – Dishes, Foods and Drinks - Grab your cutlery!

Known for its stunning beaches and amazing hospitality, Maldives is one of the most popular tourist destinations out there. Let's look at some of the best dishes to try here.


Mas Huni

If you're on the lookout for authentic Maldivian culture in food, its infamous Mas Huni is a great place to start. This is considered the most common breakfast of the Maldivian people. The dish contains all the core staples of Maldivian cuisine, from fish to coconuts and starch. It's made by utilizing smoked tuna and scraped coconut that is mixed with a variety of spices and topped with lemon juice. The dish is spicy and tangy all the while being a wholesome meal for anyone in search of a boost in the morning. Mas Huni is said to be the toast and eggs equivalent to an Englishman.


Theluli Mas

The Maldives being an island, fish is one of its main staples. Theluli Mas is a fried fish delicacy that should entice all those who enjoy their fish and spices. The dish is relatively easy to prepare, however, it packs an intense amount of flavour and is a treat to your taste buds. Theluli Mas comprises of thick slices of tuna fried in tomato paste and spices that enhance the aroma and taste. The dish generally accompanies rice, an assortment of vegetables or even flatbread. No matter the accompaniment the dish is sure to be a delight, leaving anyone thoroughly satisfied.


Banbukeyo Bondibai

When looking at a dessert option within the Maldives, you wouldn't find anyone who would not recommend you try this dish, especially if you absolutely love breadfruit. Banbukeyo Bondibai is one of Maldives' most unique desserts. The dish is made with stewed breadfruit that is cooked with generous quantities of thick coconut cream and sugar. It is a local favourite that is sweet, creamy and will definitely leave you craving for more. You'll find most of the food on this list when you go dining in Maldives, but many hotels and restaurants offer this and then some, an example being the Maafushivaru Maldives.


Masala Chai

Chai is a term heard around the world, everybody knows of this delicious beverage made of tea and milk. In the Maldives however, you'll come across the beverage taken a step further with the addition of spices. This results in a truly elevated savoury drink that replenishes and satisfies your taste buds. Masala chai being one of the most popular drinks in the Maldives, can be found almost anywhere, from any way-side shop to even hotels.


Cured Tuna

The term 'Maldive Fish' has been thrown around the culinary world throughout the years, especially as an ingredient in recipes from South Asian cuisines. Maldive Fish is essentially cured tuna and is the Maldives' most favourite fish delicacy. Tuna caught using traditional techniques is dried so as to lose its moisture, making it hard and chewy. While originally intended as a means of preserving the fish, this has now become a staple in Maldivian and South Asian cuisine.