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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
Headline for Best Types of Fish to Eat – Because Healthy Dieting is an Absolute Necessity
Joanna James Joanna James
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Best Types of Fish to Eat – Because Healthy Dieting is an Absolute Necessity

Including fish in your meal plan can give you a good source of low calorie protein without fat and cholesterol. Read on as we list down fish that is nutritious as well as tasty.



If you needed a reminder, salmon is generally considered as one of the most nutritious meals in the world. With plenty of nutrients bundled into it, it is also known to reduce the risks of several diseases such as heart disease. This is due to the presence of Astaxanthin in salmon which helps reduce bad cholesterol and increase the good cholesterol. Other benefits of Astaxanthin are that they prevent inflammation and make your skin look better. If you're looking for a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids, then salmon is the best choice. A one hundred gram portion of salmon is said to have 2.3 g of Omega-3 fatty acids.



Tuna is quite a popular fish and it is easy to understand why. Loaded with vitamins like B12 and D, it also offers low fat protein, calcium, iron and plenty of antioxidants. Tuna too has a good amount of Omega 3 fatty acid which can reduce a person's blood pressure and the chances of getting a stroke or atherosclerosis. Needless to say, it also has plenty of protein – one hundred and sixty five grams of tuna has about eighty percent of a person's daily protein requisite. Tuna is also known to help with obesity. The Omega 3 fatty acids also stimulate hormones called leptin, which helps reduce overeating. When it comes to tuna fish prices in Sri Lanka, they usually differ but supermarkets like Keells Super stick to a government regulated pricing



Cod is well known for its versatility in the kitchen. It can be cooked in various forms and methods, all of which tend to be delicious. Taste aside, cod is known to be a good meal for anyone suffering from cardiovascular problems. Furthermore, it contains a large amount of Vitamin B12 and Vitamin B6, which ensure that homocysteine levels are kept low. A high homocysteine value can increase the chance of a stroke, heart attack and osteoporosis.



Herrings are one of the tastiest fish you could ever have. They taste delicious, especially when they are well smoked. However, keep in mind that smoked fish has a large amount of sodium which might not be good for some. On the nutrition side of things, herring can keep a person's red blood cells in good condition. This is because herrings contain iron, amino acid and vitamin B12, both of which are needed to make haemoglobin. Furthermore, you can find magnesium, calcium and phosphorus in herrings which help the body make hydroxyapatite. Hydroxyapatite is a component that is used to make our bones and teeth.



Mackerel is well liked as it has one of the highest concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids. As mentioned above, this helps against heart problems and it further slows down the growth of plaque in a person's arteries. Studies have shown that mackerel reduces a person's blood pressure too. Another advantage of mackerel is that it is available all year around.