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Updated by Fami Julia on Jan 05, 2018
Fami Julia Fami Julia
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Primary Functions of Commercial Banks

Definition of Commercial Bank Hotline
Commercial banks usually collect small amounts of small savings of the people in exchange for interest and provide loans to the other party for interest. The difference between these two interests is the commercial bank’s profit.


Primary Functions of Commercial Banks

Primary Functions of Commercial Banks

Today, the story is ready to serve you what is primary functions of commercial banks. Since the commercial bank is a financial institution, they have to perform various functions in order to meet the growing demand for industrial and trade. However, does have you ever been known about the commercial bank? Yeah, many people told that commercial bank may be referred as the mother bank of all other banks. Such as Bank of America Hialeah, First Commercial Bank (USA) etc. The general public bank is the institution that the institution is aware of, mainly the commercial banks.