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Headline for #WeAreCisco #MayThe4th Be With You 2017
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#WeAreCisco #MayThe4th Be With You 2017

The #WeAreCisco #LoveWhereYouWork contest came back for a limited engagement so employees could celebrate Star Wars Day (May the 4th be with you!) and show off their geeky side. These are all of the employee entries - and some of them were even showcased on the NASDAQ Tower in Times Square, NYC!

Jennie K on Twitter: "To cap off #GirlsPowerTech we sent the @coding4TX teachers home w/ @goldieblox and @EnginoToys!...

Cybersecurity Researcher * HW & firmware * Philanthropist * Hiker * Texan * Love to educate, eat, and punch heavy bags * Tweets are my own.

Cisco Cranes on Twitter: "#MayThe4thBeWithYou in and around the office! #WeAreCisco #PaperCranes #StarWarsDay https:/...

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Richard Bartmess on Twitter: "When your colleague's day is cooler than yours. #MayTheFourthBeWithYou #Cisco #LoveWher...

@Cisco employee working with @Meraki, my tweets are my own. My passions: #traveling, #technology, #healthcare, #investing, #music. #SJSU grad, San Jose native.

Justin Riray on Twitter: "Happy #MayThe4th @cisco @WeAreCisco friends! Thanks for having this #Ewok and #StormTrooper...

A.k.a. The Bow Tie Guy. Lover of Basketball [Warriors], Music. I find comedy in everything. MBA. Work for Cisco but I think for myself. :)

Kelly Smyth on Twitter: "Feeling the Force with Team Tschewie @WeAreCisco #LoveWhereYouWork #WeAreCisco #Goodjob #may...

People, Culture and Innovation @Cisco . Learning Architect. #Diversity champion. Mom. Wife. Hack Photographer. Playing Hockey. Tweets are all mine.

Kelly Smyth on Twitter: "Team Tschewie. The Force is With Us #Lovewhereyouwork #WeAreCisco #Goodjob #maythe4th @WeAre...

People, Culture and Innovation @Cisco . Learning Architect. #Diversity champion. Mom. Wife. Hack Photographer. Playing Hockey. Tweets are all mine.

Jason Hansen on Twitter: "If only the Empire had a Cisco Spark Board @CiscoSpark #WeAreCisco #LoveWhereYouWork #MayTh...

You can add location information to your Tweets, such as your city or precise location, from the web and via third-party applications. You always have the option to delete your Tweet location history.
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Jose Alfredo (JA) on Twitter

“#MayThe4thBeWithYou on telepresence! #WeAreCisco @CiscoDoBrasil”

Earl Armas on Twitter

“I have a bad feeling about this... I spy with my little eye @JustinRiray #lovewhereyourwork #wearecisco

Jennifer Kindel on Twitter

“Join The Force... be The Future. #MayThe4th #WeAreCisco #LoveWhereYouWork

Theresa Ton on Twitter

“R2D2 decided to stop by @Cisco today! #WeAreCisco #LoveWhereYouWork #MayThe4th

Atousa on Twitter

“Laser blaster is no match for Cisco Cloud shield. #WeAreCisco #LoveWhereYouWork #Maythe4th”

Aline Ekmekji on Twitter

“This is how we host our customers. #boeing #cisco #WeAreCisco #maythe4th #LoveWhereYouWork #cxc @RonRicciCisco @ChuckRobbins”

Jayne on Twitter

“#LoveWhereYouWork #WeAreCisco #maythe4th

Jayne on Twitter

“#WeAreCisco #LoveWhereYouWork #MayThe4thBeWithYouDay #maythe4th

Justin Woolen on Twitter

“Happy #starswarsday #MayThe4BeWithYou #WeAreCisco #LoveWhereYouWork #CiscoSpark

Community Relations on Twitter

“Cisco Cleveland volunteers got their Jedi on today at #girlspowertech! #maythe4th #WeAreCisco #LoveWhereYouWork Thanks to all volunteers!”

Community Relations on Twitter

“Ciscocians rocking out #maythe4th at #girlspowertech RTP! #WeAreCisco #LoveWhereYouWork Thank you to all of our global volunteers today!”

Deborah Pickering on Twitter

“My the 4th be with you #WeAreCisco

Eric Chu on Twitter

“Yoda and me using the Force on #Maythe4th. Can you feel it?! It's #WeAreCisco #StarWars day at @Cisco.”

Instagram post by Michelle E Kandah • May 4, 2017 at 6:29pm UTC

Michelle E Kandah (@mekandah) on Instagram: “When your company celebrates one of your favorite things! #wearecisco #lovewhereyouwork #maythe4th

Eric Chu on Twitter

“This is Manny Garcia. He built his own R2 -took 2 years! The Force is strong with this one! #WeAreCisco #Maythe4th #LoveWhereYouWork

ArmandZHammer on Twitter

“@WeAreCisco #StarWars #maythe4th #WeAreCisco #LoveWhereYouWork

Alison Vincent on Twitter

“Took forever to find, but the network packet sniffer found the problem in the end.....#WeAreCisco #LoveWhereYouWork #Maythe4th @CiscoUKI”

Nicki Vereschagin on Twitter

“May the 4th be with you!! #StarWarsDay #Maythe4th #WeAreCisco #lovewhereyouwork