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Updated by lawsonjames2020 on Dec 19, 2017
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Pediatric dental treatment

Dentapex provides the Pediatric dental treatment and disease prevention for children up to 14 years of age. Pediatric dentist related to children’s oral health, kid's dentist is known as Pedodontist who deals with teeth and oral cavity of the teenager from age of 0 to 18 years. Dentist in Padstow provides pediatric dentistry that includes root canal treatment, cavity filling, and preventing measures if cavity in children etc.


Pediatric dental treatment for children up to 14 years

Pediatric dentistry is a branch of dentistry which is deals with the oral health of pediatric patients (kids) from infancy to adulthood. Now Dentapex Dentist in Padstow offering the Pediatric dental treatment and disease prevention for children up to 14 years of age. Pediatric dentist related to children’s oral health, kid's dentist is known as Pedodontist who deals with teeth and oral cavity of the teenager from age of 0 to 18 years. It prevention & treatment of , cavity, caries, gum disease, prevention of misalignment of teeth, restorations, extraction of primary teeth. Now dentapex offering the free dental care as well as free consultations. For this offer you just call us 0297721711 or fill the booking form.