Listly by Lyne Kohut
Digital resources (web, apps) for science in grade (theme based from the Ontario Curriculum)
An interactive animated tutorial that introduces the 11 human body systems or organ systems.
This game includes links outside of
Every Web site we link to was visited by our team at one point
in time to make sure it's appropriate for children. But we do
not monitor or control these sites and these sites can change.
In addition, many of these sites may have links to other sites
which we have not reviewed. Be sure to get permission from your
parents or teacher before leaving this site, and remember to read
the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use of any site you visit.
Find out about your brain, organs, nervous system, muscles and skeleton and get to know yourself better with our psychological tests.
The human body is an amazing machine. Learn more about it through movies, quizzes, articles, and more.
Health Canada's Food Guide with information for consumers about the Guide, how to use it, and how to get a copy. Links to information for educators, background resources on the development of the Food Guide, and answers to frequently asked questions
With just over three people per square kilometre (3.3 according to the 2001 Census), we have one of the lowest population densities in the world. In 2001, most of Canada's population of 30 million lived within 200 kilometres of the United States.