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Impanix - Online accounting & bookkeeping services for small businesses

Easily manage your accounting & payroll at just $99 per month. Dedicated account assistant. Join 3000+ Users who trust Impanix Accounting

Why do you need of Trademark Registration more than a Website Name?

Is it really necessary to go for Trademark Registration? This is the question every successful businessman may have in her/his mind.

How to Patent your Idea: Process and Benefits | Patent Application

Patent application provides a patent which is a license from the USPTO that gives an inventor exclusive ownership rights to his or her invention.

Which one is better: C corp or S corp ? | Impanix | Accounting Solution

It is a common question a business would come across is whether to form a C corp or S corp when starting a business or changing his/her business structure.

Why use partnership instead of an S corp? | Accounting & Bookkeeping

Business person has variety of choices likeĀ  C corp,S corp,LLC, or a sole proprietorship,More than one individual can form a partnership, a corp or LLC..

How to manage business inventory: Easy and simple steps

Inventory management is necessary for any business inventory to evaluate on a regular basis to ensure that you are on track to success.

Reasons why should you Choose GAAP Accounting Over Cash

You are at the right place to understand that how to keep good track of your income and expenses & learn the why to choose GAAP accounting over cash method.

Reasons Small Businesses Should Stop Wasting Time on DIY Accounting

You really need to stop wasting time on DIY Accounting and understand the fact that your business needs your more attention.

4 Ways to Improve Time Efficiency for Entrepreneurs

Running a business of your own will pull you in many directions which ultimately leave you tangled and clueless about how to improve time efficiency.

10 Accounting Tips for New Small Businesses | Impanix

Some accounting tips can definitely boost your business and take it to the next new level of success. | Accounting Tips | Impanix

Learn Accounting Basics for running Small Businesses

In order to turn your business from the small one to expand one, all you need to know is the accounting basics. | Impanix Services

How Outsourced Accounting Makes it Easier to Scale Your Business

Outsourced Accounting makes your life easier and helps you to be smarter and better from others about growth and scaling of the business.

3 Ways Small Businesses Can Compete for Top Talent

Being a fresh hand in the marketplace is always a challenge for small businesses to compete for top talent or against large brands.