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Inspiration Station Early Learning Center

You can learn more about our programs by calling Inspiration Station Early Learning Center at 717-810-6762.

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You can learn more about our programs by calling Inspiration Station Early Learning Center at 717-810-6762.

Benefits of Reading Aloud to Your Child - Inspiration Station Early Learning Center

Did you know that reading is not just another part of human development but it is also about improving the brain’s function? Perhaps, it is all mundane for us to witness how a child first learns how to crawl, stand, and then eventually learn how to walk. We also anticipate the next developments including their first syllable utterance, their first giggle, and eventually their first word. However, we might think that reading may just be an inevitable by-product of all these developmental processes at the end of the day.

Getting Smart with Child Care: Choosing your Day Care

Your fellow parent has convinced you to enroll your child in a daycare. So how do you choose the center? What are the factors that you should consider?


Finding a Great Day Care for Your Little Ones

Finding a Great Day Care for Your Little Ones

It can be tricky to find an exceptional day care that can provide you with the peace of mind you need knowing that your kids are in great hands. However, through these easy tips, we can help make it a walk in the park.

8 Kinds of Books to Read to Your Child

Books do not only tell stories, they also help your children develop in several ways. But what kind of books should you read to them?


As a parent, all you’d want is the best for your children, from the best clothes to healthy food to adequate food and shelter. It is only natural as well that you’d want the best for their education. However, it may sometimes be difficult to determine what exactly is the best kind of education for your child without being there to see their development for yourself.


Games are fun and are definitely a source of activity for children. But how can you ensure that these games are productive and educational for them as well? Through brain games, of course!

Tips on How to Improve Nutrition for Your Children

Children aged 3-5 years old are active, high-spirited, and fun loving. This is the age where learning is crucial because it will be their foundation for school. However, this is also the same age when they are already opinionated and picky. When caring for toddlers, one has to be equipped with the right amount of knowledge and patience. Parents send their toddlers to schools and institutions not to learn everything, they want them to learn how to work and play with other kids. It is by exposing them to other children so that they learn more about conduct, manners, and values.

Effective Hacks on How to Handle Toddlers

Children aged 2-5 years old are beginning to discover themselves as an individual and as a member of the family. These are the most tasking years wherein patience and consistency is a must. During these years, children use the art of persuasion by insisting their wants and throwing tantrums when they don’t get it. This is the stage where they discover what they want and the word “NO” only ignites it. This always happens if you bring them to the restaurant, church, and grocery store. Parents have to remember that toddlers are not rational thinkers so they shouldn’t give in to all their whims.

5 Surprising Reasons Why You Should Snuggle with Your Baby

Snuggling your newborn is one of the little moments that bring you bliss. You get to feel their soft skin and smell their delicate fragrance. You may have heard some of your friends say, "You are snuggling your baby too much!" Is that a bad thing? NOPE. As a matter of fact, snuggling your baby is actually good for them. A long line of studies backs this claim.

6 Incredible Benefits Children of All Ages Can Get from Playtime

Laughing. Giggling. Playing. Every child looks forward to playtime! But putting aside fun to describe it, did you know that playtime is also essential for your little one's development? According to researchers, playtime contributes significantly to children's physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being.

Active Learner or Guided Learner: Which One Is Preferable for Your Child?

Children are inherently curious. They want to discover more about the world they live in day by day.

How Reading Aloud Helps Your Child Learn

Reading is indeed a stimulating activity for a child’s learning and development. But there are methods to read and comprehend a material.

How to Prepare Your Child for Preschool

Children grow up fast. Before you know it they had learned how to crawl, sit up, and walk. They had started calling you “mom” and “dad”.

5 Surprising Brain-Building Games for Kids

Playing is one of the best ways for kids to learn. There's a lot that they can absorb when they play.

5 Skills to Unlock your Child’s Potential

The most crucial developmental stages of your child’s life are his or her’s first three years of life.

Winning the Food Battle in Children

Instilling healthy habits for appropriate nourishment to your children is fundamental in a very young age.

7 Healthy-Learning Hobbies Your Child Would Love

As a learning center in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania let's share with you learning hobbies that your kid can have fun indulging in along the way.

3 Substantial Animated Films to Teach Your Children About Life and Compassion

As a premier child care center in Pennsylvania, let us recommend 3 great films to teach your children about life and compassion.

How Can Music Help Your Child’s Growth?

We all want our children to have the best opportunities possible in life. Thankfully, there are many ways to help our children succeed.

The Importance of Reading Aloud

One thing we’ve learned from being a provider of child care in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania is that reading aloud helps children in many ways.

Benefits of Early Childhood Education

Studies even confirm that allowing children to have a quality early childhood education provides multiple benefits. So, here are a few ways your child can benefit from early childhood education

How to Find the Perfect Day Care

Finding a great day care is important because you obviously need a place that you can entrust your children to. There are several methods you can use to help you find a great day care, such as using the internet, asking friends and family, and simply roaming around town. You will want to find a place that has compassionate staff and offers different kinds of programs like preschool programs.

Brain-Boosting Activities for Your Child

We are a child care in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania devoted to helping your child achieve a school-ready attitude.

Significant Signs of a Quality Child Care Center

We are a child care in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania willing to give your child exceptional care while they’re learning with us.