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Updated by Okabe Haushalter on May 27, 2022
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Criminal Defense Attorney

Contact the criminal defense attorneys team at Okabe & Haushalter for help.

Why Harvey Weinstein Should Be Presumed Innocent

Perhaps no person in Hollywood is facing a harsher spotlight than movie producer Harvey Weinstein. In the last few months, Weinstein has been accused by several high profile actresses, including Ashley Judd and Rose McGowan, of committing violent sexual acts ranging from rape to sexual assault. When it comes to criminal defense, you often get what you pay for. Contact the criminal defense attorneys team at Okabe & Haushalter for help.

Former Stanford Swimmer Convicted of Rape Files For Appeal

A year ago, Brock Turner was arguably the most despised young man in America. The former Stanford University student-athlete was convicted of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman.Turner is back in the news after his attorney has filed an appeal to overturn his sentence as a registered sex offender. If you are a public figure, athlete or celebrity, there is a lot to lose. Just one conviction for sexual assault or rape can cost a person their career and ultimately their freedom.

Over the years, the criminal defense attorneys at Okabe & Haushalter have utilized an aggressive and comprehensive approach to protect the rights of each client and to place them in the best position to succeed.

Texas Home Owned by Chris Bosh Raided in Drug Trafficking Sting

On Friday, December 8th, police in DeSoto, Texas raided a house owned by Bosh as part of a drug trafficking sting.

Drug trafficking is a crime that carries severe penalties. Whether a person is facing federal or state charges, it is vital to seek representation from an experienced and knowledgeable Drug Trafficking Defense Lawyer in Los Angeles with a proven track record of protecting the rights of clients and looking after their best interests.

Why It Is Easy To Be Accused of An Internet Crime

In today’s digital age, computers have become a permanent part of our lives. Due to the increase of people online, law enforcement has gotten more aggressive in cracking down on Internet crimes around the world. Now it is easy to be accused of an Internet Crime with the help of experienced Los Angeles internet crime attorneys at Okabe & Haushalter can aggressively protect you against cyber crime charges.

Getting Arrested During the Holidays is Traumatizing (Here’s What You Should Do After an Arrest)

Driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol is not the only reason that can land you in jail during the holidays. It’s important to understand what an arrest during the holidays really means in the U.S. Not only is it a terrifying experience to be handcuffed and arrested, but it’s also traumatizing and unsettling to be away from your family at the time when you’re supposed to be close to them.

Reaching out to criminal defense lawyers at Okabe & Haushalter is the best decision to get out of jail ASAP.

Does Borrowing Someone Else’s Car at a Holiday Party Count as Grand Theft Auto?

If you borrow someone else’s car and don’t return it, the owner will most likely report the stolen car to the police and you may be charged with auto theft. Penalties for auto theft may vary greatly depending on the circumstances of your particular case. The maximum prison time for vehicle theft may reach up to 30 years in addition to gigantic fines.

At Okabe & Haushalter an experienced Chicago grand theft attorneys have spelled out what it really means to be charged with auto theft.

Theft Arrests Skyrocket During the Holidays (How to Avoid Being Charged)

Family gatherings, carol of the bells playing on repeat… Everyone is guilty of letting the guard down and not protecting their property properly. There’s an increased risk of getting arrested for theft even if you didn’t do anything wrong and were minding your business. Obviously, no one would want to spend the holidays behind bars.

So how to avoid being charged during the holidays in Los Angeles? The Los Angeles theft crime attorneys at Okabe & Haushalter will find out the best course of action to avoid being charged for theft and other crimes.

Los Angeles Child Porn Attorney - Okabe & Haushalter

Being accused of child pornography is among the worst things that can happen to you. Even having explicit pictures of minors on your computer may be enough to sentence you to jail. The only chance you have to try and avoid penalties and some serious jail time is by speaking to the right attorney.

Speak to Okabe & Haushalter team of professional and seasoned Los Angeles Child Porn Attorneys today and find out how they can help get you out of this situation.

Types of Criminal Offense and its Consequences

If you committed a criminal offense, remember that you are not guilty until proven otherwise. With that in mind, you need to make the most out of the choices you have left. It doesn’t matter what you did, what matters is that you have to do something about it. Every criminal offender in the state of California has the same right to choose an attorney.

If you are already accused of a criminal offense, contact Okabe & Haushalter Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney and they will do everything in their power to free you.

The False Phone Call Was Not the Entire Cause for the Death of Andrew Finch

The false phone call is said to be the cause of Andrew Finch’s untimely death, the full details of the shooting, and events leading up to it, will not become common knowledge until a trial takes place. Los Angeles attorneys have extensive experience of helping victims of various internet crimes, as well as provide criminal defense for those accused.

At Okabe & Haushalter, internet crime attorneys could help, contact Los Angeles office on (818) 722-3452 to schedule an initial consultation with them.

Why You Should Ignore the Statistics. Not All "Break-Ins" Are Crimes

You may be wondering how a break-in could be excused as not being criminal behavior, and that’s understandable. Despite the significant rise in auto theft and break-ins across all police districts in San Francisco. As a good auto theft attorney will tell you, this suggests that there are, perhaps, some valid defenses to be made.

Consult Okabe & Haushalter criminal defense attorneys to find out your best course of action to avoid being charged for auto theft, vehicle break-ins and other crimes. Call at (818) 722-3452 and schedule free case evaluation.

Stabbing and Sexual Assault. What Are the Possible Defenses?

Either stabbing and sexual assault, or both, can be highly distressing and life-changing crimes, the fact remains that there can, sometimes, possibly be some defense for the accused.

If you find yourself being charged with any type of sex crime & need a Chicago-based sexual assault attorney, get counsel from the best an experienced criminal defense lawyer at Okabe & Haushalter to help you.

A Girl, 15, Shot Dead in Los Angeles, But Could The Gunman Be Cleared Of Charges Arguing Self-Defense?

Earlier this month, a 15-year-old girl was shot dead in the front yard of a home in Los Angeles County. Whether the murder was intentional, planned or accidental, hearing the suspect’s side of the story is important.

If you’re being accused of murder or homicide, which you either didn’t commit or had to commit to defending yourself or your loved ones, it’s critical that you seek the legal advice of the best Los Angeles murder defense attorney to avoid imprisonment and a plethora of other consequences that come along with murder charges.

Los Angeles Sheriff Deputy Accused of Drug Trafficking, When He Was Actually a Life Skills Coach

Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff Kenneth Collins worked with former convicts in the Emerging Leader’s Classes, an adult education program designed to help prevent probationers and those on parole from reoffending. Far from providing valuable life skills to help troubled individuals reclaim their lives and benefit from a second chance, Collins is now accused of working with a former Emerging Leader’s student to traffic drugs.

Need an excellent Los Angeles drug trafficking attorney to represent you in your case. Schedule a consultation and discuss your Los Angeles drug trafficking charges with an outstanding attorney, call offices on (818) 722-3452.

Why Is There No Bail for This Man Accused of Murder in Chicago?

Perez is now facing charges of first-degree murder. First-degree murder is perhaps the most serious criminal charge, there is no bail for accused of Murder so you’ll require the services of an experienced murder defense attorney who’s known for great success in Chicago. Even before you get to accused of a crime stage, you’re sure to want an attorney who can maximize your chances of getting bail.

If you need the assistance of a renowned Chicago murder attorney, whichever side of the charge you’re on, call Okabe & Haushalter office at (818) 722-3452 for your initial consultation.

Consequences Of Being Accused Of or Charged With a Hate Crime: What to Do to Save Your Life

The consequences of publicly accusing someone of or charging with a hate crime may equal to that of murder, sexual assault or child molestation charges. Authorities must have sufficient evidence before accusing someone of a hate crime done against either an individual or several people based solely on either their race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation or other defining factors.

Reach out to skilled hate crime attorneys in Los Angeles at Okabe & Haushalter, who have helped thousands of the accused in Los Angeles to avoid severe punishment, the death penalty, imprisonment and other consequences associated with severe crimes.

A Triple Murder, Could a Quicker Welfare Check Have Prevented It?

In the case of the suspected triple murder in Palmdale, the police were not responding to a call about a crime being committed, but to a welfare check requested by someone close to at least one of the victims. If you’re having unusual problems getting in touch with a friend or family member, and have reason to be concerned, it may be worth organizing a welfare check.

If you’ve found yourself facing a homicide, murder or manslaughter charge, need the expertise of a well-known Los Angeles murder defense attorney. Contact on (818) 722-3452.

A Three-Year-Old Was Shot but Was It an Accident?

During the two men argued on a parking, shooting broke out and the child was struck by a stray bullet. After the boy was hit by the bullet. Under California law, a homicide conviction could carry a death penalty, so if you have been accused of murder, or are facing a homicide charge, you need the best legal representation you can get.

If you, or someone close to you, has been accused of causing the death of another person, experienced homicide defense attorney at Okabe & Haushalter will review all the facts of your case.

How Southwest Airlines Kicked off a Passenger and Then Filed Criminal Charges Against Her

46-year-old Pakistani American Anila Daulatzai was on the flight with her dog to visit her elderly father after he underwent surgery, is pregnant with her first child and she was forcibly removed from a Southwest Airlines flight.

Whatever the circumstances and nature of the misdemeanor you’re being accused of, the services of a respected Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney at Okabe & Haushalter could play a major role in the outcome of your charges, and even on the sentence, you receive if found guilty.

Case of Mistaken Identity: How to Protect Yourself When Wrongfully Accused of a Crime?

Many Los Angeles residents can become victims of a case of mistaken identity when they are being intentionally blamed for a crime even though the accuser is aware that the accused wasn’t responsible for the crime. It’s critical to protect yourself from prosecution and know your rights in cases of mistaken identity.

Los Angeles assault defense attorney at Okabe & Haushalter a reputable Los Angeles-based law firm committed to aggressively protecting the rights of those wrongfully accused of a crime.

Los Angeles School Shooting Could Have Been An Accident

School shootings are more usual in the United States. The shooting at Los Angeles was reported to the Los Angeles Police Department, which dispatched a team of police officers to arrest the underage girl who is suspected of school shooting and injuring five people, two of whom sustained severe injuries. The school shooting is still being investigated, and details about how the shooting occurred are scarce.

If your child is being accused of a juvenile crime, don’t hesitate to contact Okabe & Haushalter a Los Angeles juvenile defense attorney right away.

Facebook Private Communications Could Now Be Used Against You In Court

Facebook has been a very popular way to communicate since the day that it was invented. Growing from strength to strength it is still becoming increasingly popular. What we expect, however, is that our communications with others, unless on the public wall are kept private.

If you or your loved one are undergoing a criminal investigation of any sort a Los Angeles criminal defense lawyer can help guide you through the process. A Los Angeles criminal defense lawyer will use all their expertise to get you the best results available for your case. To explore your options contact our office on (818) 722-3452.

Can an Attorney Still Defend My Case If I Admit the Fault?

Many people struggle to provide food for their families. Sometimes, having a job simply won’t cut it. Due to a few mistakes in the past, you could be facing monthly mortgage, loans, credit and be left with nothing. For that reason, many individuals turn towards criminal behavior. Every legal expert will advise you not to admit any guilt after an accident or a criminal activity that you were involved in.

It doesn’t matter what you did, if you say that you are guilty or that you want to take responsibilities for your actions, it will be used against you in the court of law. And once you say it out loud, there is no going back. Most experienced criminal defense attorney in Los Angeles can help you from Okabe & Haushalter.

How do I Find Someone Who was Arrested in Los Angeles for a DUI Case?

Once a person is arrested for driving under the influence, he will be taken to the local police station where he will be processed and put behind bars. Once he is processed, the police will notify one of his family members about the arrest. Even if you are not notified, the chances are that other family members will let you know as quickly as possible.

However, that does not mean that you can go and visit them immediately. Sometimes and under certain circumstances, this is allowed. But the best thing you can do is contact Los Angeles DUI defense attorney and let them know what happened. You can hire them to help create a case for the arrested and represent him and his best interests.

Relief For Families Of Mentally Ill Criminal Offenders May Be Found Through Laura’s Law

Laura’s Law mostly used for severely mentally ill adults who have a history of acts of violence towards themselves or others despite previous treatment in a mental health unit of a correctional facility, this law allows the county’s mental health department to request treatment for the individual. This law can provide relief to families of mentally ill children or siblings who seem to be caught in a never-ending cycle in the criminal justice system. If your loved one suffers from mental illness and you’re tired of them ending up in the criminal justice system, consult with a Los Angeles criminal defense attorney at Okabe & Haushalter, they will help you determine your legal options.