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Updated by Viveka vonRosen on Nov 02, 2014
25 items   36 followers   75 votes   3.51k views

Content Creation Experts

If you were to put together a conference with some of the best content creators today - who would you include on that list? Please post the twitter or Facebook or website URLs of someone you would want to see and learn from.

Seth Godin

Seth Godin's riffs on marketing, respect, and the ways ideas spread.

Mark Schaefer

Chieftain of the social web's most unique blog, {grow}. Consultant, college professor, author of Return On Influence and Tao of Twitter. Social Media Bouncer.

Ann Handley - @MarketingProfs

Head of Content here at ‘Profs. People seem to like my writing:

Arianna Huffington

Arianna Huffington is the president and editor-in-chief of the Huffington Post Media Group, a nationally syndicated columnist, and author of thirteen books.

In May 2005, she launched The Huffington Post, a news and blog site that quickly became one of the most widely-read, linked to, and frequently-cited media brands on the Internet.

Denise Wakeman

On September 28, 2004 I set up and launched my first business blog, Biz Tips Blog (no longer active). Eight years later, I have published thousands of posts on 10 blogs built on TypePad including Build a Better Blog (most were for specific purposes and are no longer active) , my primary blog here, using Wordpress, blogged for my previous company at a blog on Square Space, and recently launched a blog-site for a new project co-founded with Ellen Britt at The Future of Ink.  I've set up blogs for clients, taught blogging, … [Click here to continue ...]

Derek Halpern – Social Triggers

Online Marketing Strategy

Michael A. Stelzner - @Mike_Stelzner

Author of books: Launch & Writing White Papers; founded Social Media Examiner. Committed Christian and dad. Also see &

David Meerman Scott - Web Ink Now @dmscott

Online thought leadership and viral marketing strategies using news releases, blogs, podcasts, and online media

Beth Kanter

Dawn Near the Bay of Bengal by Joisey Showaa

Welcome to the new and improved Beth's Blog!  After almost a decade of blogging and most of it at the same place,  I'm starting over with a new platform and look thanks to Allyson Kapin and Jared Seltzer of Rad Campaign .


Chris Brogan

Building the Digital Channel - Beyond Social Media

Mitch Joel

Marketing Magazine dubbed him the "Rock Star of Digital Marketing" and in 2006 he was named one of the most influential authorities on Blog Marketing in the world. Mitch Joel is President of Twist Image - an award-winning Digital Marketing and Communications agency. In 2008, Mitch was named Canada’s Most Influential Male in Social Media and one of the top 100 online marketers in the world. His first book, Six Pixels of Separation, named after his successful Blog and Podcast will be published in the Fall 2009 on Grand Central Publishing - Hachette Book Group (formerly Time Warner Books).

Ric Dragon - @RicDragon

Author Social Marketology, speaker, artist, drummer, #usDragons, CEO @dragonsearch, #marketingLand columnist, Social Media Monthly, Kred Top50 Marketing Blogger

Neal Schaffer - Social Media Speaker | Social Media Strategy Consulting | L.A. O.C.

Social media speaker and marketing strategy consulting services for companies to leverage LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and blogs. Based in Orange County, California.

Nick Kellet - @NickKellet

Co-founder @listly. Founder @gifttrap & @AnswerSets (now BOBJ/SAP). I create & curate ideas. I love software, games & life. Do you?

Lou Bortone

Visit Lou for small business marketing solutions and help for marketing with online video.

Mari Smith | Facebook

Mari Smith. 80,365 likes · 2,189 talking about this.

Sonia Simone - @soniasimone

writer; marketer; kettlebell junkie; cmo & co-founder of copyblogger media; parent; meditator; confused and fragile human being

David Siteman Garland

Host of The Rise To The Top: THE #1 Badass Show, Resource & Community For Mediapreneurs, writer/author

Tristan Bishop - @KnowledgeBishop

Director, Digital Strategy at Symantec. Customer Advocate. Business Poet. Twitter opinions are my own.




Warning: this comic occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors).


The official site of Joe Penna, aka MysteryGuitarMan. Videos, special projects, and more! (9 million views per video on average).

Robin Good | @RobinGood

Robin Good's Master New Media is a daily online magazine targeted at individuals, small businesses, communicators and media professionals passionate about communicating more effectively with new media technologies

Sean Buvala - @Storyteller

I teach you to use storytelling to change & improve every aspect of your business or nonprofit. Author, Storyteller. Hard-core how-to-do-storytelling coach.

Jaiyant Cavale - @jaiyant

Psychologist, writer and freelance journalist. Influenced by western philosophy and postmodernism. Loves alternative music, art and culture.