Listly by amanda-hilton
Here are some of my favorite apps to use in my classroom. Feel free to try these apps in yours! Please add some of your favorite apps to the list so I can discover more!
This app lets students bring elements from the periodic table to life using virtual reality. Students can play matching games with the elements blocks and scan the code to show what the elements are on the iPad. Students can also combine codes using the iPad to show what happens when the elements are combined.
Kahoot! is a fun way to get your kids excited for tests, quizzes, and surveys. Multiple choice questions are projected on the screen and students just their iPads to select the correct answer. This can be done individually or as a team.
With Sushi Monster students have to solve addition/multiplication problems. The numbers will appear on sushi plates and are fed to a “sushi monster.” Students have a series of products and sums. They are to feed the correct sum/product to a combination of sushi plates (which are the numbers) in order to solve the problem.
Prodigy is a variety of math games with over 900 important math skills from grades 1-8.It is designed to meet each individual students needs by playing games at the students own pace and it also tracks their progress, which you can access.
With this app you can view more than 4,300 video lessons with topics including math, science, reading, economics, and humanities.
Evernote helps you organize everything! From delivering a lesson plan to receiving students' feedback on the lesson. It also allows you to take pictures or even notes!
This is a very fun app for all ages. With this app you can point your camera to the sky and the app will accurately chart the stars and planets. One of the features on this app lets you shift between days so you can see the difference in charts from day to day.
A wonderful app for ELL students! This is a gamified learning system that helps ELL students with their english and all you have to do is spend about 20 minuets a day on the app! The app structures your lesson so that the student will learn about 7 new words per lesson through a variety of games.
This app allows you to safely communicate with students and parents. They can private message the student/parent and even post reminders to the whole class on this app.
This app is great for assisting in classroom behavioral management. It is designed to help student behavior as well as communicate more effectively with parents. Parents and teachers can send private messages about their child, parents can see the lesson plans from day to day, and each student can pick their own monster icon and be rewarded (or deducted) class points.