Listly by Jane Blake
Here you can find some advice on how to save money and how to keep your finances out of crisis. Also here are some news about financial updates in the market.
Earned Income Credit (EITC) overview includes 2017 & 2018 eligibility, qualified children, maximum amount, income limits & tables, calculators, & more.
Bitcoin climbed above $8,700 to a record high Saturday following increased investor interest around the Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S.
When it comes to retirement income generation, there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution.
What can you do to make sure you have enough money each month to not only pay your bills but also save for your future? Start by creating a budget.
Americans don't do Black Friday the way they used to.
Having issues with payday loan approval? There are a few things you can do to secure a cash advance. Here are five ways to improve your chances.
Find out how you can get cash bonuses through the best bank promotions for setting up new checking & savings accounts, and CDs.
more women than any previous generation are confident in their knowledge of the financial world.
Thinking about starting a personal finance blog? Here's a totally honest recap of my first year as a personal finance blogger, and what to expect.
By using the Mindful Budgeting 2018 Planner, my hope is you will achieve your goals and finish 2018 with a better understanding of your personal finances.
U.S. Republican lawmakers want to cut taxes for corporations and wealthy people by $1.3 trillion - and they seem to want seniors to foot a good chunk of the bill.
We’re at a critical point in our nation’s history. We need to make a stand and address the root causes of financial instability in this country. I believe the lack of financial education and access to cheaper financial products are two of the key contributors impacting people’s financial health today.
The National Research Council is trialing the use of the Ethereum blockchain to publish transparent funding and grant information in real time.
Get the latest news Ethereum and Blockchain related news
If we can acknowledge that millennials are experiencing life very differently from past generations, why are we still giving them the same retirement savings advice?
Millennials are juggling many financial responsibilities, but their financial know-how is falling short. Here are tips to help manage debt and spend within your means.
Create your business strategy
Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin and other cryptocurrencies have been on a roller coaster lately. Sharp upturns have been followed by sharp downturns, with each upturn and downturn lasting only a few weeks or a few days.
Thus far, the cryptocurrency roller coaster has helped speculators who have been on the right side of the market to amass fortunes.
The trouble is that no speculator is smart enough or lucky enough to “time” the market. At least that’s what mainstream financial economics claims.
Sooner or later, speculators who play this game will find themselves on the wrong side of the market, losing the fortunes they have amassed early on and then some.
That’s why cryptocurrency investors should look beyond the current roller coaster, and ask where cryptocurrencies will be twenty years from now.
The cryptocurrency market has continued to recover at a rapid rate over the past 24 hours, as several major cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin and Ethereum recorded major gains.
The cryptocurrency bubble should finally destroy our faith that the market works as advertised.
Create your business plan today and have a financial success all the year.
The "Goldilocks" growth story is staying intact. But with so much fiscal stimulus coming up, some are wondering if there is too much of a good thing.