Before looking into acupuncture process, get a proper medical evaluation by the physician. It is necessary since there are several conditions that may not be cured using the acupuncture treatment process. A blocked fallopian tube may not be cured using this alternative treatment options. Talk to a reputed fertility expert to learn about your chances of improvement if you want to undergo acupuncture session considering your present health stage. You need to ask the doctor for referral when it comes to figuring out a reputed acupuncturist. You must avoid taking any kind of Chinese herbs without prior consultation with the doctor. Once you receive a positive nod from the doctor, it would be safe to consider the option. Also, the use of herbs should be done under the prescription of the acupuncturist.
Acupuncture is considered to be an effective treatment for curing several body ailments. However, it must be carried out under the strict supervision of a professional expert. The process can help in improving the fertility scenario in both men and women. But then, the health conditions play a strong role in figuring out the overall impact this treatment will have.