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Updated by Hopetrust India on Dec 19, 2021
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De Addiction Center

Hope Trust is a premier rehabilitation facility that has earned an international reputation for its commitment toward effective treatment of alcohol and drug addiction.

Gambling Addiction – What happens inside the brain?

Gambling is all about having fun and thrill for that next big win, surely with losing or winning every now and then. For some of us, gambling is a thrill that keeps us going, but for some it can be devastating – it can turn into something beyond just entertainment. Gambling can seriously interfere with the quality of life and lead to serious financial and other problems.

Alcohol Addiction – You don’t have to deal with it alone

Addiction is the highest level of obsession. It becomes all-encompassing and all pervasive. The alcoholic cannot function without the drink, nor can he or she function with it.

Signs you might have dry drunk syndrome

There are people who drink and there are those who give up drinking after a point in life. Amongst those who give up, there are some who go on to lead a normal life with least amount of fall backs and unfortunately there are also those who give up alcohol, but continue to experience the severe psychological and behavioural issues stemming from alcoholism. This is known as the dry drunk syndrome. 
In case the situation seems familiar, read on to understand how DDS is a problem and in case you are in the middle of one, you need help.

Advantages of physical therapy & rehabilitation

Addiction has an impact on the overall life of an individual and also his or her family. It creates significant physical, mental, emotional, social, financial, and spiritual damages to the addict’s life.

5 Things you need to know about bipolar

Today is world Bipolar Day. Let us take this opportunity to learn more about the illness. Earlier known as manic depression, it is a challenging, chronic disabling illness which affects more than 8.7 million people in India alone.
5 things you need to know:

Effects of amphetamine abuse on the body

Amphetamine belongs to a group of stimulants that act on central nervous system. These are known to bring along an incremental state of wakefulness, energy, attention, concentration, sociability, self-confidence, improved mood, and a fall in appetite. Medically Amphetamine is prescribed for ADHD and some other disorders. Amphetamine has a calming effect on people and is therefore often prescribed for narcolepsy, depression and obesity. 

10 Signs you need professional help for alcoholism

Society often projects alcohol as a fun and social substance that makes our lives better, but this is not the case for everyone. It’s hard to know when our habit turns into an addiction and even harder to know when we should ask for help.
In case you have crossed the line, treatment for alcoholism is easily available, and it can help you get your life back.
Here are some signs that indicate it’s time to seek professional help:

How can substance addiction affect filial relationships?

Discord, stress and friction are all a part of daily life in families along with emotional and physical security, companionship and other benefits of a joint family life. These are normal and common issues.
Turmoil sets in when a larger than life issue arises - drug addiction or substance abuse. In a joint or a nuclear family one addict can affect the entire family’s life balance. This can have a negative impact on families for generations.

What is the relationship between substance abuse, withdrawal symptoms and cardiac problems?

Drug addiction or substance abuse is one of the biggest nightmares in anyone’s life. This disease is far more prevalent now than it was a few years earlier because there is far more exposure and immoral people trafficking drugs purely for quick financial gains. To tackle these problems good de-addiction centres and rehabs are increasingly being established.

5 common reasons why people drink

All human behavior has a motivation behind it – something that makes them do the things they do. So what’s the reason people drink? Here are five of the most common reasons.


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