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Updated by Scrum Manager on Aug 30, 2023
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Agile & Scrum Tools

Tools for Agile and Scrum Management





A simple scrum solution for SharePoint 2010 to help Agile teams deliver projects




Online project management and Scrum software. Acunote is fast and easy to use, shows actual progress, not just wishful thinking and provides powerful analytics.


We take a different approach to planning a project schedule. We believe you should only
have to worry about the facts of the project. The computer
should calculate the details.

Agile Apex

Agile project management tool

agile bench

Most agile tools are nothing more than to-do lists for your developers or difficult to use “enterprise” solutions. We make it easier for you to make decisions using agile’s velocity charts, burndown charts and powerful backlog management.


Agilebuddy’s next generation Scrum tools with rich collaboration features, enables you to Create, Estimate, Plan and Track your software development projects.


Agilefant is a free open source tool for managing agile software development. It brings together the perspectives of daily work, long-term product and release planning and portfolio management.

AgileLog - an agile project management tool for scrum masters and other process management professionals using the agile methodology, while engaging in rapid application development.

Agile Soup, an expert in agile project management software for Agile programming and collaboration needs. Manage projects and bug tracking in Scrum or Kanban easily with agile project management web and android app. Try our free account which 5 free users


AgileTask is a task management web app. Simplifing task management to help you get stuff done. Achievements to keep it interesting and humorous. A true restful API to integrate with the tools you already use at your shop.


Built by experts, AgileWrap is agile project management software with advanced analytics for Scrum, XP, Lean and Kanban. Start with 5 Users FREE pack. Easy to use, Powerful and Affordable agile tool.

Agilo for Scrum

Quickly manage and prioritize your long-term release cycles with a high level overview of your product’s features.  Enjoy accurate delivery estimations to keep your stakeholders happy.

Agilo for trac

Then Agilo for trac is the right agile and Scrum Tool. It delivers a robust platform and streamlined functionality for agile teams using trac and agile methodologies.




Airgile is a Cloud-based application for the management and orchestration of teams, projects and tasks. Fits perfectly with Agile workflows - like SCRUM. Connects with Eclipse.

Atlassian GreenHopper

GreenHopper adds agile project management to any JIRA project for software development teams practicing Scrum or Kanban. Get started with 10 users for $10.

Banana Scrum - scrum tool for agile teams

Banana Scrum is a very simple Scrum tool. Designed to help your team keep track of things, but never meant to replace your daily human interactions. A tool to know where you are, but not so complex as to blurr the picture. "Individuals and interactions over processes and tools", remember? It's just a tool, it should never get in your way.




Keep your projects on track with Binfire online project collaboration software, with web based project management software & tools like interactive whiteboard, PDF markup, group chat, Task & WBS, Gantt chart and more. Try Now!


An Agile Project Tool based on Scrum and Lean Kanban principles. See how good we are; sign up to our unlimited free trial today at Bright Green Projects


Daily-Scrum has been developed by Scrum Masters and Project Managers, and has been heavily influenced by agile team members such as developers and people working in infrastructure environments.

It is expected that anyone involved in a project will be using the system, i.e. Product Owners, Scrum Masters, Team members and other stakeholders.

The system uses a non-nonsense, straightforward, non-bureaucratic approach for planning and tracking Agile projects. When designing the system, our goal was to build a system where the users spend as little time as possible, allowing focus to be on working on the project goals, i.e. the solution, rather than managing the project. Internet Üzerinden Deneme Sınavları

Katılımcı sayısına göre sıralamak gerekirse; LYS (Lisans Yerleştirme Sınavı) ile başlayan sınav listesi, KPSS (Kamu Personeli Seçme Sınavı), ALES (Akademik Personel ve Lisansüstü Eğitimi Giriş Sınavı), TUS (Tıpta Uzmanlık Eğitimi Giriş Sınavı), SBS (Seviye Belirleme Sınavı), AÖK (Açık Öğretim Kurumları Sınavları) ve MTSAS (Motorlu Taşıt Sürücü Adayı Sınavı) ile sürer.

DevPlanner - personal day planning software.

Daily plan software, collects tasks, shows day, workweek and week views of daily activities. Generates timesheet, weekly reports.


easyBacklog requires a browser feature called
JavaScript. All modern browsers support JavaScript. You probably just need to change a setting in order to turn it on.




Trello is too flexible and Jira Agile is too rigid? Try Eidos!




Express is an open source, Agile project management tool. It provides tools for managing and tracking stories and tasks, projects and iterations. It has a virtual Kanban wall for tracking progress of tasks and stories and provides reporting through iteration burndown charts and an iteration velocity comparison chart. Impediments can be logged and tracked, and coming soon will be features around defect management and project risk/issue management.

Flying Donut

Flying Donut is a powerful, simple, effective, agile project management tool, inspired by scrum, for public and private projects, that allows your team to collaborate in real time during iteration planning, iteration execution, iteration review and backlog grooming.

Get started for free. Follow any project. Projects can be public or private. You may follow any public project you wish, or even private ones with the proper invitation.