Holding the line at your current weight can be difficult. The following tips may help...
Get Support
Work with your doctor, nutritionist or personal trainer in setting healthy achievable goals and taking small steps to help make your weight loss journey a success.
Focus on vegetables and whole grains, which are digested slowly. Limit refined carbohydrates. Enjoy moderate amounts of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in your diet. Cut down on saturated fats and avoid trans fats. (Related article: Healthy Weight Loss: Regularity Is The Key)
Maintain Caloric Balance
Taking in more calories than you burn off adds extra pounds. Burning off more calories than you take in shaves pounds. Eating right is knowing how many calories you are taking in compared to how many calories you are burning. (Related article: Counting Calories To Lose Weight)
Be More Active
A 60 to 90 minutes a day of moderate activity is recommended if you are struggling to maintain a healthy weight or need to lose weight. Walking is safe for practically everyone. Talk to your doctor if you'd like to include more vigorous activities. (Related article: Exercises That Help You Burn 500 Calories in 30 Minutes)
Get Enough Sleep
Sleep is a cornerstone of weight management because of the impact it has on your hormones that control how you burn fat, how you store fat, and how you're maintaining muscle. The better your hormone balance, the better your weight management.