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Updated by Pamela Webster on Nov 23, 2013
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Movies for Grown Ups Who Love Dogs

Love movies about dogs and other animals but hate the stupid drivel that's geared toward kids? Here are some wonderful movies featuring dogs that you don't have to be embarrassed to admit you like.



Babe Movie Trailer - YouTube

I wish I could find the name of the reviewer who called Babe the Citizen Kane of talking animal movies. They were right.

Trailer does not do this film justice.

Best in Show trailer - YouTube

Hilarious Christopher Guest mockumentary about the world of dog shows. It's really about the people with dogs in the background. But the people are hilarious.

My Dog Skip - Trailer - YouTube

The movie adds a lot to the original story by Willie Morris. But it's funny and touching and real.

Anyone who has felt like a loner and found a friend in their dog will appreciate this film.

My Dog Tulip Trailer - YouTube

Charming story about the friendship between a lonely writer and his Alsatian, Tulip.

In an era where the message is to spay or neuter, Ackerley's insistence on Tulip having puppies will feel uncomfortable. But when you consider the author was a closeted gay man who yearned for a family, you might understand a bit.

Great animation by the Fierlingers.

Still Life with Animated Dogs PBS - YouTube

Beautiful animation by Paul Fierlinger of My Dog Tulip. Available to watch online:

The Triplets Of Bellville Movie Trailer - YouTube

Sophisticated animation. And yes, the dog is supposedly a secondary character. But he's captured so well that anyone who has ever lived with a dog will see their own dog's behavior in Bruno's.

Sun Dogs Trailer - YouTube

If you like an inspiring story, you'll enjoy this story of the Jamaican sled dog team and the young men who found meaning in becoming mushers against all odds.

The Jerk Trailer 1979 - YouTube

Yep, I'm stretching things a bit to call this a dog movie. But the dog, although he has little screen time, is at the center of the funniest bits.

My Dog: An Unconditional Love Story - YouTube

I wasn't so sure about a movie that asked celebrities about their relationships with their dogs. But I was touched to learn about Didi Conn's autistic son's fascination with their dogs and Greg Louganis telling how he coaches dogs in agility very differently than he was coached by his own dad.

Fabulous documentary.

The Cafe of the Yellow Dog - trailer - YouTube

Part documentary, part narrative film, the director worked with a real Mongolian family, not actors. Lovely depiction of the universal relationship between humans and canines.

My Dog Skip Trailer

The movie adds a lot to the original story by Willie Morris. But it's funny and touching and real.
Anyone who has felt like a loner and found a friend in their dog will appreciate this film.